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TCM0044260 - Changes - miscellaneous (G-Z): Signals history - correcting start/end dates (Info)

Note: Before making any changes, you must follow the guidance in TCM0044260.

This guidance does not relate to child signals or Connexions or Local Authority Support Services. For guidance on correcting child signals, you must follow the guidance in TCM0034320.

You will need to make a correction to a signal history when

  • a customer tells you that they have provided us with incorrect start or end dates
  • a customer tells you that we have made a mistake when recording the start or end dates
  • you realise, whilst looking at a claim, that there is a mistake on the computer concerning the start or end dates held in history.

The signals covered by this guidance are

  • Disabled
  • AA / DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER)
  • UK National
  • Normally Live
  • Total Hours Worked
  • Place of Work
  • 50+
  • IS
  • JSA

Note: From 27/10/2008, the JSA signal will cover JSA and ESA. Refer to the Access to DWP Data System manual if you need to confirm the actual benefit.

  • MIG (now known as PC)
  • Incapacitated for Childcare.

Note: A three-month backdating restriction must not be applied as a result of correcting signal start or end dates. However, where backdating restrictions have previously been applied following a restriction will usually be denoted by the fact that the date in the Include From field is later than the date in the Start Date field of the signal.

For more information on a three-month restriction applied to a change of circumstances, follow the guidance in TCM0042240.

Note: If you have established that the date in the Include From field is incorrect, follow the guidance in TCM0044220.

For example

This is an example of a correction to a date in the Start Date field and that also keeps a previous three-month restriction to the effective date of the change of circumstances.

Customer informs you on 15/06/04 that they originally started working 16 hours from 14/10/03, not 20/10/03 as currently recorded in history. (For the purposes of this example, all details for current main job are correct, only start date in hours worked history is incorrect).

When this change of circumstances start date was originally entered, on the 20/05/04, a three-month restriction was applied because the customer failed to inform you that they had started working 16 hours within three months of the start date. You will need to ensure that this restriction is still applied after the correction of the date in the Start Date field.

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Error message

If you get the following error message ‘End Date entered is earlier than the Include From Date. Please Check’, you will need to establish if the date you have entered in the End Date field is correct.

If the date you have entered in the End Date field is correct, you will need to delete the period of history. Follow the guidance in TCM0042160.

For example

Hours worked end date reported 01/01/07
Hours Worked History  
Start Date 01/10/06
Include From 01/02/07
End Date 01/01/07

Because the hours worked end date of 01/01/07 is entered, this means that entitlement ended before the effective date. Therefore, this period of history can be deleted.

For example, hours worked end date for xxxxxxxx notified as 01/01/07. This is before the 01/02/07 date in the Include From field, therefore, period of history deleted due to restrictions applied to the date in the Include From field.

There is an Action Guide for this subject, select TCM0044280 to access it