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TCM0044280 - Changes - miscellaneous (G-Z): Signals history - correcting start/end dates (AG)

To deal with correcting signals history start and end dates, other than child signals, consider steps 1 to 11.

Step 1

Before making any changes to the claim, follow the guidance in TCM0042260

then, if the changes can be made

  • check that you have been provided with enough information to match the change of circumstances to the correct customer, for example
    • the customer’s NINO
    • surname
    • forename
    • date of birth
    • details of the correct start date and, if applicable, the correct end date relating to the history signal
      • If you have not been provided with all the information required, go to Step 2.
      • If you have been provided with all the information required, go to Step 3

Step 2

Phone the customer for the missing information you need. Follow the guidance in TCM0094080.

  • If you obtain the missing information, go to Step 3.
  • If you are unable to contact the customer by phone or you cannot obtain the customer’s phone number, send form TC609 to the customer for the missing information.
    • If you obtain the missing information, go to Step 3.
    • If you cannot obtain the missing information after following the normal reminder cycle, go to Step 10.

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Step 3

Use Function AMEND APPLICATION choosing the Correction option

  • enter the customer’s NINO in the Key Entry Data screen
  • select the ‘All’ checkbox
  • select [OK]
    • If the claim is post award you will be taken to the Applicant 1 Details screen
      Note: If you are taken to the Select Application screen, select the appropriate claims affected by this change, select [OK] and you will be taken to the Applicant 1 Details screen.
    • If the claim is pre-award you will be taken to the Select Application screen
      • select the appropriate claim
      • select [OK]. You will be taken to the Applicant 1 Details screen in Function CAPTURE APPLICATION
        Note: If the following message displays ‘Details must be recorded in Capture Application function. Do you wish to proceed?’, select [Yes] and you will be taken to the Applicant 1 Details screen in Function CAPTURE APPLICATION.
      • go to Step 4.

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Step 4

In the Applicant 1 Details screen in Function CAPTURE APPLICATION

  • select the appropriate button on the toolbar menu that is relevant to the change
    For example: if you are entering a work details change for customer 1, select ‘Wk1’ on the toolbar menu.
    Note: Select ‘Ap2’ on the toolbar menu if you are changing a signal history for customer 2.
  • select the relevant signal checkbox and enter or delete the details in the Start Date or End Date fields, as appropriate
    Note: You must select each signal checkbox in turn that is relevant.
  • select [OK]. You will be taken back to the Applicant 1 Details screen
  • go to the Summary Information screen and enter a message in the Application Notes field, for example, ‘Hours Worked signal corrected / deleted (delete as appropriate)’
    Note: You only need to specify the appropriate signal.
  • select [OK]. The details will then be stored
  • take no further action.

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Step 5

Check if the correction has been notified previously and has already been applied correctly. To do this

  • use Function VIEW APPLICATION and select the latest version of the claim. You will be taken to the Application Summary screen
    Note: If you are taken to the Select Application screen, this will mean that there is more than one claim for this customer. For example, cases where a household breakdown has occurred and the customer has re-applied. If you are taken to the Select Application screen, select the claims affected by this correction and then select [OK]. You will then be taken to the Application Summary screen.
  • select ‘VH’ on the toolbar menu. You will be taken to the View Application History screen
  • select ‘AP1’ or ‘AP2’ as appropriate, on the toolbar menu. You will be taken to the Applicant 1 or 2 screen
  • select ‘History’ on the toolbar menu
  • select the appropriate signal from the options available
    Note: The signals that are relevant to the claim will be enabled. You must select each signal in turn that is relevant to the correction.
  • check if the date in the Start Date or End Date field has already been corrected
    • If the date has already been corrected, go to Step 11.
    • If the date has not already been corrected, make a note of the date in the Include From field and then go to Step 6.

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Step 6

Use Function AMEND APPLICATION choosing the Correction option

  • go to the Applicant Details screen
  • go to the appropriate screen for the signal to be corrected
  • select ‘History’ on the toolbar menu. You will be taken to the History screen
  • select the appropriate signal
    Note: From 27/10/2008, the JSA signal will cover JSA and ESA. Refer to the Access to DWP Data System manual if you need to confirm the actual benefit.
  • select the appropriate period of history entry
    • If action is required to correct the date in the Start Date field, go to Step 7.
    • If action is required to correct the date in the End Date field, go to Step 8.
    • If action is required to correct the dates in both the Start Date and End Date fields, go to Step 7 and then proceed to Step 8.
      Note: If action is required to correct the date in the Start Date field and the new start date to be entered is later than any existing End Date, go to Step 8 and then Step 7.
      Note: If action is required to delete the whole period of history, that is the dates in the Start Date field, Include From field and/or the End Date field, follow the guidance in TCM0042160.

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Step 7

If you need to correct the date in the Start Date field, take the following action

  • in the History screen, select [Change]. You will be taken to the Change screen
  • enter the correct date in the Start Date field. When the date in the Start Date field has been corrected, the computer will automatically pre-populate the date in the Include From field, you must ensure that the date in the Include From field is the later of either
    • the date that was noted in the version history at Step 5
    • the same date as the date in the Start Date field
  • manually amend the date in the Include From field, if necessary
    • If a correction is required in the End date field, go to Step 8
      • select [OK]. You will be taken back to the History screen
      • select [OK]. You will be taken back to the Work Details screen for the appropriate customer
        Note: If corrections are required to any other signals start and end dates, go back to Step 6.
      • select [OK]. You will be taken to the Amend Finish screen
      • go to Step 9.

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Step 8

If you need to correct the date in the End Date field, take the following action

  • in the History screen, select [Change]. You will be taken to the Change screen
  • enter the correct date in the End Date field, as appropriate
  • select [OK]. You will be taken back to the History screen
  • select [OK]. You will be taken back to the appropriate Applicant Details screen for the customer
    Note: If corrections are required to any other signals start or end dates, go back to Step 6.
  • select [OK]. You will be taken to the Amend Finish screen
  • go to Step 9.

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Step 9

In the Amend Finish screen

  • enter the date of notification of the correction in the Received Date field, where this date is unknown use today’s date
  • select ‘Paper’ from the Source drop-down menu
    Note: If the correction has been notified through a Contact Centre (CC), select ‘Telephone’ from the Source drop-down menu.
  • select ‘NTC error’ or ‘Applicant error’, as appropriate from the Reason drop-down menu
  • select [OK]
    • If the message ‘S18 Refinalisation Rules - Potential inappropriate refinalisation for CCYY-CCYY. If you have the authority to re-finalise under S19, S20 or S21 of the Tax Credit Act 2002 or due to an appeal decision. Press OK to process the change or Cancel’ displays
      • the changes you are making will re-finalise the claim, follow the guidance in TCM0042260 before making any changes
        then, if you can make the change
      • select [OK] on the message
      • go to Step 10.
    • If the message ‘S18 Refinalisation Rules - Actual Income for CCYY-CCYY is required. This change will not be accepted’ displays
      • you will not be able to make the change because the PY actual income is required, follow the guidance in TCM0042260 before making any changes
        then, if you can make the change
      • select [OK] on the message
      • go to Step 10.
    • If the message ‘S18 Refinalisation Rules - You do not have the authority to re-finalise CCYY-CCYY. This change will not be accepted. Please refer to the appropriate team’ displays
      • the changes you are making will re-finalise the claim
      • select [Cancel]. You will be taken to the Amend Application Details screen
      • select [Cancel]
      • when the message ‘All changes to the application will be lost for this session, do you wish to proceed?’ displays, select [Yes]
      • pass the case to a Level 2 User or your manager. For more information, use ‘Level 1 and Level 2 users’ on TCM0320260
      • take no further action
    • If none of the messages display, go to Step 10.

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Step 10

Use Function MAINTAIN HOUSEHOLD NOTES to record the action you have taken.

Note: You must follow the guidance in TCM0152060 when you record the note and also follow the guidance in TCM0152160.

Note: The message you need to record will be dependent on which course of action you have taken. For example, if you followed the action in step 2 record the relevant message for that step

  • Step 2 - ‘TCMZ TC609 issued to customer for missing information’
  • Step 2 - ‘TCMZ Unable to deal with the correction as unable to contact the customer’
  • Step 7 - ‘TCMZ Start Date for ‘Total Hours Worked’ signal history corrected from 09-09-2003 to 23-08-2003 for customer Mrs Shift’
  • Step 8 - ‘TCMZ End date for ‘Total Hours Worked’ signal history corrected 09-09-2003 to 23-08-2003 for customer Mr Holland’
  • go to Step 11.

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Step 11

Close the document on DMS. For how to do this, use TCM1000037.