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Marine licences

Guidance and regulation

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41 results sorted by Most viewed
  • Guidance on activities that may require a marine licence.

  • Details of how to apply for a marine licence, what documents you need to provide, how much it costs and how long it will take

  • Information about impact assessments for marine licence applications.

  • Definitions of some commonly used terms in marine licensing.

  • Information to help you answer your query before you contact us.

  • Details of how to correctly sample and analyse sediment in support of a marine licence application.

  • Find marine planning information for England, including data on marine licenses, environmental designations and policy information from regional marine plans.

  • Find out which activities may be exempt from requiring a marine licence and what you need to do in such circumstances.

  • This guidance outlines the circumstances under which a marine licence may be required from the Marine Management Organisation.

  • The timeline illustrates how the assessment and approval process works once an application for a marine licence has been validated.

  • Fees information for the different marine licences and associated work.

  • This guidance outlines the circumstances under which a marine licence may be required from the marine management organisation.

  • Why you need a marine wildlife licence if you are going to disturb a protected species, how to apply and how to report an incident.

  • These are the Marine licence requirements for construction activities taking place within the Marine Management Organisation's jurisdiction.

  • Marine Management Organisation guidance on the environmental benefits of advanced mooring systems over traditional moorings, as well as the consent and marine licencing process.

  • How to notify the Marine Management Organisation that you are carrying out a seismic or geophysical survey.

  • Work out if your activity qualifies for the self-service marine licensing process

  • This guidance outlines the circumstances under which a marine licence may be required from the Marine Management Organisation.

  • This page is dedicated to live MMO surveys relating to Marine Planning and Marine Licensing services. Further information and links to live surveys can be found below.

  • An accelerated licensing process may apply to some applications for dredging activity.