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Local Plans

Guidance and regulation

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21 results sorted by Most viewed
  • Discover and register for Planning Inspectorate webinars.

  • The Local Plan examination process and the role the Planning Inspectorate plays.

  • Information and resources for developers about broadband infrastructure and connectivity requirements for new homes.

  • Local plan examinations and the planning issues they deal with can be complex. This is intended as a short guide for those who might be participating in a local plan examination for the first time. It does not aim to be defi…

  • The Planning Inspectorate maintains a list of the overall position for each LPA and a list of local plan examination hearing dates we are holding over the next few months

  • Guidance on use of artificial intelligence (AI) as part of any appeal, application or examination being dealt with by the Planning Inspectorate.

  • The Digital Connectivity Portal provides guidance for local authorities and network providers on improving connectivity in local areas.

  • The concept of an Annual Position Statement (APS) was introduced in the National Planning Policy Framework in July 2018.

  • Part of a series collecting key facts and figures on new homes and regeneration.

  • Part of a series collecting key facts and figures on new homes and regeneration.

  • practical guidance on the role and responsibilities of a Programme Officer (PO) during the examination of a local plan

  • A process map covering the steps to be followed when calculating consideration and compensation under paragraphs 24 and 25 of the Electronic Communications Code

  • Community Infrastructure Levy Plan Examinations and the role the Planning Inspectorate plays.

  • To encourage the rollout of networks, local authorities may wish to map their assets.

  • MHCLG is seeking submissions of expressions of interest from local authorities for the Local Plans Pathfinders, which will be open from 23 March to 9 April.

  • This section presents an overview of providing communications operators with access to public sector assets.

  • This section provides best practice guidance on ways to encourage and provide access to local authority land, buildings and other assets for digital deployment.

  • How can the local planning authority support the rollout of fixed and mobile networks at the local level?

  • The efficient and effective undertaking of local plan examinations is heavily reliant on the examination webpages to share information and to assist the Inspector.

  • How can communications network providers work constructively with local authorities?