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HS2 business case

Research and statistics

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36 results that are All research and statistics, sorted by Updated (newest)
  • Outlines the future year demand forecasts for rail, highway and air modes included in PFM v10a.

  • Provides an overview of PFM v10a, including the forecasting and appraisal methodology involved and the tool's unique features.

  • The model has been used to estimate how the improved connectivity that HS2 will deliver between the UK’s cities and regions will impact the wider UK economy.

  • Provides details of updates made to PFM v10a, a tool used in the appraisal of High Speed 2.

  • Provides independent verification that the processes and inputs for PFM v10a meet with the agreed specification.

  • Input modelling and forecasting assumptions used by PFM v10a.

  • Sets out the independent Oakervee Review’s advice to government on 'whether and how' to proceed with HS2.

  • A study of 32 international high speed rail schemes to consider lessons that could be learnt for HS2 Phase 2b.

  • This presents baseline business and labour market data to inform the socio-economic assessment for HS2 Phase 2a from West Midlands to Crewe.

  • Report giving evidence for the development of High Speed 2, the process of rail alternative development, alternatives considered and economic appraisal.

  • A report by HS2 Ltd which explores options for improving rail capacity and journey times to the North of England and Scotland.

  • Presents the work the government has done to update the evidence base for HS2 since the 2013 strategic case.

  • Describes the work commissioned by the government to understand the rail alternatives to HS2 Phase 2a.

  • This report describes further development of a revised PFM model, which is termed PFMv4.3, and has been developed by Atkins.

  • A paper written for HS2 Ltd on the economic impacts of HS2, by Bridget Rosewell (Volterra Partners) & Tony Venables (University of Oxford).

  • A report by the new chairman of HS2 Ltd, David Higgins that discusses how HS2 will be a catalyst for change and free up capacity nationwide.

  • A series of model updates to the PLANET long distance model.

  • A summary of the input and forecasting assumptions used by the Planet Framework Model (PFM V4.3) to generate the 'HS2 standard case'.

  • The Planet Framework model v43 is a tool used by HS2 to help forecast the demands and benefits of the new high speed rail network.

  • An analysis of the likely value for money of High Speed Two, with economic appraisals for Phase One of the project and the full network.