Buildings energy efficiency technical research
BEIS / DESNZ technical research covering energy efficiency measures in the domestic sector.
Improving the performance of the UK’s dwellings is an essential part of meeting climate change commitments.
BEIS / DESNZ have funded or part funded a number of research projects in this area, covering, amongst others the following aspects:
- in-situ measurements of the performance of buildings
- analysis on the energy saving potential of measures
- identification of risks that arise from retrofit of insulation
- quantification of the costs of domestic energy saving measures
Studies on energy efficiency retrofit projects carried out in the UK
Methods which can be used to insulate UK dwellings
Calculating the performance of insulation
The cost of measures to improve energy efficiency
Climate adaptation
Barriers to retrofit
Updates to this page
Published 'Deterioration of retrofit insulation performance'.
Added 2 research documents: Energy Follow-Up Survey (EFUS) overheating in homes and Future-proofing retrofits against risks from climate change.
Added Energy Follow Up Survey (EFUS) 2017 reports.
Added reports on thin internal wall insulation and waterproofing cavity walls.
Research: 'Cavity party walls: measuring U-values' added.
Added reports: "Barriers to retrofit’" and "Determining the costs of insulating non-standard cavity walls and lofts".
First published.