
King Charles III England Coast Path: Eastbourne to Camber

Find out about the progress of improving coastal access – including maps, process and timing – in East Sussex.

Map of the stretch

Natural England has begun to investigate how to improve coastal access along a 53 km stretch of the East Sussex coast between Eastbourne and Camber.

Officers from East Sussex County Council are providing Natural England with expert local advice and helping to make sure there is full consultation with local interests during the development of the route.

Eastbourne Pier to Rye Harbour

On 27 July 2023, the Secretary of State announced their decision to approve the final section of this stretch of the King Charles III England Coast Path between Eastbourne Pier and Rye Harbour.

The reports are still available to view.

Natural England will publish further details of the approved route in due course.

You can see the current status of the collection in the table.

Report number and title Stage 2 and 3 (develop and propose) Stage 5 (approved)
EBC 1: Eastbourne Pier to Bay View Caravan Park, Pevensey Bay   1 October 2021
EBC 2: Bay View Caravan Park, Pevensey Bay to Herbrand Walk, Cooden   6 April 2022
EBC 3: Herbrand Walk, Cooden to West Parade, Bexhill-on-Sea   1 October 2021
EBC 4: West Parade, Bexhill-on-Sea to Tackleway, Hastings   1 October 2021
EBC 5: Tackleway, Hastings to Cliff End, Pett Level   1 October 2021
EBC 6: Cliff End, Pett Level to Winchelsea Beach   1 October 2021
EBC 7: Winchelsea Beach to Rye Harbour   27 July 2023
EBC 8: Rye Harbour to Camber Sands Original proposals withdrawn (see EBC-MR1)  

Variation reports on approved sections

Sometimes it’s necessary to change sections of an approved route. The proposed changes are published as variation reports. Anyone can comment (make a representation) on these proposals. Affected landowners and occupiers can make an objection.

Proposals to change the approved route at Ecclesbourne Glen, Hastings Country Park (VR17)

On 28 March 2024, the Secretary of State announced their decision to approve the variation proposals for Ecclesbourne Glen, Hastings Country Park (VR17).

The change relates to the approved EBC 5: Tackleway, Hastings to Cliff End, Pett Level. At the time of the original proposals (February 2020), a section of public footpath in Hastings Country Park, next to the coast at Ecclesbourne Glen, was closed for safety reasons following a landslip in 2013. The proposals for the KCIIIECP consequently followed a route inland of Ecclesbourne Glen. The access authority has now re-opened this section of public footpath, and it’s considered stable and suitable for the KCIIIECP. The proposed variation would create a more direct route along the coast.

The period for making representations and objections about the report closed at midnight on Thursday 21 July 2022.

The report is still available to view.

Modification reports

Sometimes it’s necessary to change sections of a previously proposed route, in response to objections. When necessary, the proposed changes may be published as modification reports. Anyone can comment (make a representation) on these proposals. Affected landowners and occupiers can make an objection.

Proposals to change the proposed route in the vicinity of Rye and the Rother Estuary, East Sussex (EBC-MR1)

On 27 July 2023, the Secretary of State announced their decision to approve modification report (EBC-MR1) for the partial withdrawal of the previous proposals for length EBC 7 in the vicinity of Rye and the Rother Estuary.

The report proposed removing the previous proposals for the length from Rye Harbour car park on the west bank of the River Rother, to Camber Sands on the east bank, to allow Natural England to conduct a fresh alignment exercise. This will assess the feasibility of a continuous route in the vicinity of Rye. The new route would avoid the break in the path at the Rother Estuary that was originally proposed in 2020.

The report is still available to view.

Next steps

Stage 5: Open

Work is now underway to prepare the new stretch of coast path for public use. The first step is to contact owners and occupiers of the affected land to discuss the design and location of any new infrastructure which is needed, such as signs and gates.

When preparations are complete, new access rights will come into force along the route and adjoining spreading room. For further advice see the detailed guide below.

Rye Harbour to Camber Sands

Stage 2 and 3: Develop and Propose

As a result of the approval of EBC-MR1, Natural England is now visiting the land in the vicinity of Rye that is likely to be affected by our proposals and discussing the options in detail with:

  • people who own or manage the land
  • relevant local and national organisations who have an interest in the stretch

After final discussions have been held with those who have a legal interest in the land, Natural England will begin refining and checking their proposals to improve access to this stretch of coast.

Once published, the report will be available on GOV.UK and advertised in the local press.

Copies of the report will be placed in council offices and other appropriate locations in the local area for people to view.

Natural England will contact affected owners and occupiers and the local and national organisations that must be notified by law, to make sure they’re aware that the report has been published.

Find out more about the King Charles III England Coast Path

See information about all stretches in preparation around England’s coast.

The coastal access scheme gives details of the process being followed to improve access to the coast.

Contact the coastal access team

Contact Natural England with any comments, suggestions or queries you have about improving coastal access.

King Charles III England Coast Path delivery team (South east)

Natural England
Floor 9, International House
Dover Place


Telephone 020 8026 8045

See the map below for information about progress on improving coastal access in other parts of East Sussex and Kent.

Updates to this page

Published 28 June 2017
Last updated 28 March 2024 + show all updates
  1. Page updated to show the variation report VR17 has been approved.

  2. Page updated to show the modification report MR1 has been approved.

  3. Page updated with information about the Rye and the Rother Estuary modification report (EBC-MR1).

  4. Information about variation report VR17 added.

  5. Page updated to show that length EBC2 has been approved.

  6. Added table showing the reports which make up the collection. Page updated to show that 5 of the 7 reports have received Secretary of State approval.

  7. Updated Covid-19 statement with new deadline for submission of comments.

  8. Covid-19 statement added to page.

  9. Page updated to show this stretch is now at stage 4.

  10. Removed the sentence giving a date for when access is expected to be ready. Publication of the report is expected in winter 2020.

  11. Date amended: publication of report now expected in 2019.

  12. Page updated to show stretch is now at stage 2/3

  13. First published.