
HS2 Phase2b Crewe - Manchester Environmental Statement

This collection includes all of the documents associated with the High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) Environmental Statement

We recommend reading the Non-technical summary (NTS) first, which gives a summary of the likely significant residual effects reported for each geographic area (‘community areas’) along the line of route. Documents listed under Volume 2 present the likely significant environmental effects for each community area, with further details presented in the technical appendices in Volume 5. The NTS also gives a summary of the likely significant residual effects at a route-wide level (i.e. at a geographical scale greater than the community areas) reports in the Volume 3 and off-route (i.e. at locations beyond the HS2 Phase 2b Crewe – Manchester route corridor and its associated local environment) reported in the Volume 4.

Following the deposit of the Bill, Parliament held a public consultation on the ES which ran between 25 January 2022 and 31 March 2022. The consultation allowed interested parties to send any comments they may have had on the ES to the Secretary of State for Transport. More about this consultation can be found on the ES public consultation page.

The consultation on the ES took place alongside a consultation on the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA), which also ran between 25 January 2022 and 31 March 2022. For more information about the EQIA consultation, please visit the EQIA public consultation page or contact the HS2 Helpdesk at or on 08081 434 434.

An independent assessor has been appointed by Parliament and they will now prepare a report summarising the issues raised by the comments made on the ES. The responses received by the Secretary of State on the ES and the independent assessor’s report will be available to Members of Parliament for consideration and will be published at least 14 days in advance of the date fixed for the Second Reading debate on the Bill in the House of Commons.

Guide to the Environmental Statement

A Guide to the Environmental Statement has been prepared to help you identify the documents which are most relevant to you.

Non-technical summary

Provides a summary, in non-technical language, of the High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) Environmental Statement.

Volume 1: Introduction and methodology

An introduction to the Environmental Statement. This volume provides an overview of the Proposed Scheme and the environmental impact assessment process.

The glossary of terms, list of abbreviations and references for all volumes of the environmental statement. This document is useful to refer to as the terms, abbreviations and references are used throughout the High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) Environmental Statement.

Volume 2 and supporting Volume 5: Community Area collections

The High Speed Rail route between Crewe and Manchester is divided up into eight ‘community areas’ - MA01 to MA08. For each area, a Volume 2 report and a map book describing the likely significant environmental effects of the High Speed Two railway between Crewe and Manchester. These folders also include the Volume 5 (technical appendices and map books) related to the associated community area. 

Volume 3 and supporting Volume 5: Route-wide reports

These reports present the likely significant environmental effects of the construction and operation of HS2 Phase 2b Crewe – Manchester on a route-wide basis. ‘Volume 3’ of the Environmental Statement describes the likely significant environmental effects that are likely to occur at a geographical scale greater than the community areas described in Volume 2. The accompanying technical appendices (Volume 5) provide details of the studies and surveys undertaken at a route-wide level and are organised by environmental topic areas.

Volume 4 and supporting Volume 5: Off-route reports

These reports present the likely significant environmental effects of the construction and operation of HS2 Phase 2b Crewe – Manchester in areas not on the proposed line of route. ‘Volume 4’ of the Environmental Statement summarises these effects. The accompanying technical appendices provide details of the studies and surveys undertaken.

Volume 5: Cross-topic technical appendices

These documents contain supporting information covering multiple technical considerations along the line of route.

Volume 5: Environmental topic map books

These are the Volume 5 maps to be read in conjunction with the other volumes of the High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) Environmental Statement.

Background information and data

These documents provide the background data and information used to inform reports on the environmental effects of constructing and operating HS2 Phase 2b Crewe – Manchester.

These documents do not form part of the High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) Environmental Statement.

Competency statement

Provides the qualifications of the consultants involved in producing the High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) Environmental Statement.

Plan and profile maps

Updates to this page

Published 24 January 2022