Innovations in the built environment
Government funding for innovation in energy efficiency and heating technologies.
Innovation is crucial to transforming the UK energy system to meet carbon reduction targets and achieve our clean growth ambitions.
Innovate UK, Research Councils and BEIS expect to invest around £184 million in research and innovation in the built environment.
As part of this commitment, within the BEIS Energy Innovation Programme, BEIS expects to invest around £90 million in low carbon heating and energy efficiency options for UK homes and businesses.
Green Home Finance Innovation Fund competition
This competition provides funding to projects which develop innovative green mortgages and other lending products.
Electrification of heat demonstration project
This project provides £16.5 million to demonstrate the feasibility of a large-scale transition to heat electrification by installing heat pumps in a representative range of homes.
Whole House Retrofit (WHR) competition
The Whole House Retrofit cost reduction trajectory competition is a key early step in accelerating a reduction in domestic retrofit costs. It makes available around £9.4 million.
Smart Meter Enabled Thermal Efficiency Ratings (SMETER)
This funding scheme aims to develop, test and demonstrate technologies that measure the thermal performance of homes, using smart meter and other data.
Modern Energy Partners programme: public sector energy efficiency
Reducing energy consumption in, and greenhouse gas emissions from, the public sector estate helps reduce costs to taxpayers and enables the UK to meet carbon budgets.
The Modern Energy Partners programme explores novel ways to drive more ambitious efforts to reduce consumption and emissions across the public sector estate.
Building for 2050
This project aims to examine the barriers to developing low cost, low carbon housing.
Low carbon heating technology innovation
This scheme aims to develop technologies that reduce the carbon emissions associated with providing heat and hot water to UK buildings.
Building thermal efficiency innovation
Grant scheme to develop technologies and approaches to improving the energy efficiency of existing UK buildings.
Hydrogen for heating project
This project explores the potential use of hydrogen gas for heating UK homes and businesses.
Smart Systems and Heat (SSH) programme
This programme aims to overcome the barriers to the decarbonisation of residential heat.
Boosting access for SMEs to energy efficiency (BASEE): competition
The winning BASEE projects will develop new business models that encourage take up of energy efficiency measures by small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
Updates to this page
Added Boosting access for SMEs to energy efficiency (BASEE) competition.
Public sector decarbonisation guidance developed through the Modern Energy Partners programme added.
Winning projects announced for the Green Home Finance Innovation Fund, Electrification of Heat Demonstration Project and Whole House Retrofit competition.
First published.