
Occasional papers: SSAC

These papers reflect the research we carry out to support the advice we give to ministers and the discussions we have with our stakeholders.

We carry out research as part of our independent work programme. We publish our research in the occasional papers listed in this collection.

About our research

The research we carry out as part our independent work programme aims to:

  • provide an evidence base for our work, improving members’ ability to scrutinise regulations and provide credible independent advice to ministers
  • add value to the debate on a topic that is of current interest to government or a broad range of our stakeholders
  • stimulate debate or discussion of a specific topic
  • introduce new thinking on data analysis

To get the most value from our projects, we try to undertake them at the right time and we avoid duplicating work being done by other organisations.

Get involved

We are always keen to hear the views of stakeholders that can help shape our research. A wide range of stakeholders help with our projects, including at our twice-yearly stakeholder events. Our research needs to be useful at a practical level to individuals and organisations that are involved in the day-to-day delivery of benefits and aspects of welfare reform.

We welcome your views on new areas we should consider looking at. Please contact us with your ideas.

Social Security Advisory Committee

7th Floor Caxton House
Tothill Street


Denise Whitehead, Committee Secretary 0300 046 0323

We are not able to reply to enquiries about individual benefit cases. You will need to contact the Department for Work and Pensions.

Occasional papers

Updates to this page

Published 29 April 2014
Last updated 1 March 2023 show all updates
  1. SSAC Occasional Paper 26: The future of working age contributory benefits for those not in paid work, added to the collection.

  2. Added SSAC Occasional Paper 25: How DWP involves disabled people when developing or evaluating programmes that affect them.

  3. Added 'SSAC Occasional Paper 24: A review of the COVID-19 temporary measures'.

  4. Added 'SSAC Occasional Paper 23: The use of public funds in supporting the mobility needs of disabled people'.

  5. Added 'SSAC Occasional Paper 22: Separated parents and the social security system'.

  6. Added 'SSAC Occasional Paper 21: The effectiveness of the Claimant Commitment in Universal Credit'.

  7. Updated SSAC address.

  8. Added Occasional Paper 13: Social security provision and the self-employed

  9. First published.