
Ad hoc justice statistics

Ad hoc statistical notices.


Updates to this page

Published 30 September 2013
Last updated 13 December 2024 + show all updates
  1. Minor Change. Added document to collection

  2. Document added to collections

  3. 'Standard Determinate Sentences (SDS40) Tranche release data' publication added to collection.

  4. Ad Hoc collection updated.

  5. Ad Hoc collections updated with a new document.

  6. Added Number of working-age individuals with a record on the PNC

  7. New publication added to the collection.

  8. New publication added to the collection.

  9. Two ad hoc publications have been added to be published under this collection page.

  10. Adding the 'Miscarriage of Justice application service (MOJAS) claims Management Information' ad hoc publication.

  11. Adding the 'Number of fixed-term and standard recalls of determinate-sentence offenders January 2017 to September 2023' ad hoc publication.

  12. Adding new Ad-Hoc publication - Intensive Intervention and Risk Management Services (IIRMS) Publication, March 2024

  13. Added Trainee Probation Officer Recruitment 2022/23

  14. Parole Board release data and Serious Further Offences

  15. Added Trainee Probation Officers diversity and location statistics: 2020/21 publication

  16. Consultation on changes to NOMS publications added.

  17. Intention to publish MMPR data added

  18. Quantitative analysis of self-inflicted deaths in prison custody published.

  19. Ad hoc statistics published on statistics on releases on temporary licence

  20. new page added

  21. Management information on sexual assaults in prison custody published

  22. Pre-announcing intention to publish management information on sexual assaults in prison custody.

  23. Management information for probation statistics published.

  24. MMPR data collection added

  25. Pre-announcing intention to publish information from the Minimising and Managing Physical Restraint Data Collection and intention to publish further breakdowns of re-offences.

  26. Final results for cohorts 1 payment-by-results prison pilots published.

  27. Pre-announcing the intention to publish final re-conviction results for the Peterborough and Doncaster payment by results pilots.

  28. Further statistics added.

  29. Further breakdowns of criminal histories of offenders and proven re-offending published,

  30. Intention to publish further breakdowns of criminal histories of offenders and proven re-offending added.

  31. Experimental statistics from the 2013 MoJ /DWP /HMRC data share published.

  32. Addition of a new statistical notice.

  33. Addition of new publication

  34. First published.