CHIEF: document, certificate and authorisation codes
Use this spreadsheet for document, certificate and authorisation codes for harmonised declarations and details to be declared.
If you are making a declaration using the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) follow the guidance in the UK Trade Tariff: volume 3 for CDS.
A reference must be entered for harmonised declarations. This should be one of the following:
- as quoted on the document, certificate, authorisation, or licence reference HMRC gave to you
- as listed in the document certificate and authorisation codes for harmonised declarations
- obtained from the relevant parts of the tariff, for example, box 44 for licences and custom schemes
- the custom procedure codes
- separate instructions, for example, Customs Freight Simplified Procedures
- a trader’s own reference
For the ‘X’ series of status codes and their relationship with the reference:
When document status codes are used for declaring licences the document reference is used to identify the licence type. For example, when ‘XB’ is used the reference will be in the form of a country code and licence type (such as, GBCAP). For other documents, a document reference is not declared.
Updates to this page
Document codes 9040 and 9041 added to support delivery of the Australia and New Zealand Free Trade Agreement. Import quota claims will need to be supported by export quota licences issued by the appropriate authorities in Australia or New Zealand.
New electronic import licence introduced on Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) for goods from Belarus which are authorised to be imported under an exemption from prohibition. A separate update will be issued for the Customs Declaration Service. Document code 9024 must not be used on the Customs Declaration Service with electronic document status codes at present.
Document codes 9015 and 9016 have been added as part of the UK response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Document codes 9009 and 9010 have been added to the CHIEF code list for Ukrainian goods.
New union document code U178 for ‘Origin quotas — Product originating in accordance with Annex ORIG-2A’ between the EU, UK and European Atomic Energy Community has been added.
The spreadsheet has been updated with a new national document code 9UKR, introduced to cover alternative proof of origin for goods from Ukraine.
Document code 9011 added for a DIT licence authorising import export of goods which would otherwise be prohibited under sanctions imposed against Russia.
This page has been updated to reflect changes for Other government department licences and certificates, Code N002.
The UK Trade Tariff: document, certificate and authorisation codes have been updated to reflect the addition of document code Y988, following the latest stop press notice.
The UK Trade Tariff: document, certificate and authorisation codes for harmonised declarations spreadsheet has been updated.
The UK Trade Tariff: document, certificate and authorisation codes for harmonised declarations spreadsheet has been updated.
Spreadsheet attachment updated.
Spreadsheet attachment replaced due to amendments to lines 227, 228 and 229.
Spreadsheet attachment replaced.
New row U062 added and U095 Commission Implementing Regulation number updated.
New rows C006, U072, U099, U176 and Y061 have been added
New C100 row added and amendments have been made against row U165.
Amendments have been made to the details to be declared box (column E) against document codes U164, U165, U166 and U167.
Updated to include new codes N864 and U162.
Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade Certificate (FLEGT) certificate has been added to the list.
Spreadsheet amended to remove items Y022 to Y031
Spreadsheet amended to include the section about multi-component integrated circuits (MCOs)
UK Trade Tariff: document, certificate and authorisation codes for harmonised declarations spreadsheet updated.
Details in the declared box (column E) against Y059 and Y060 have been removed.
First published.