
CHIEF: inland clearance depots and free zone codes

Codes to be used to complete the location of goods (Box 30).



If you are making a declaration using the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) follow the guidance in the UK Trade Tariff: volume 3 for CDS.

These codes are to be used, where applicable, to complete the location of goods box (Box 30).

All amendments to this appendix should be sent in writing to:

The Tariff Editor
10th Floor South Central
Alexander House
21 Victoria Avenue
SS99 1AA

Updates to this page

Published 1 January 2009
Last updated 18 August 2016 show all updates
  1. New information added about Inland clearance depots/Inland rail depots and Collector's offices.

  2. This guidance has been updated to reflect import and export legislation changes from 1 May 2016.

  3. First published.

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