ECSH45000 - Fit and proper and approvals: Contents
ECSH45030The fit and proper test
ECSH45035Reconsideration of fit and proper
ECSH45125Money Service Business Agent fit and proper test
ECSH45780Authorisations case worker roles explained
ECSH45785List of checks or tests conducted on each sector
ECSH45791Who needs to be declared as a beneficial owner officer or manager (BOOM)
ECSH45792Who needs to be declared as a BOOM? BOOM identified on companies house or website but missing from business application
ECSH45796Confirming the identity of the BOOM: Approvals
ECSH45797Confirming the identity of the BOOM person: fit and proper test
ECSH45798Confirming the identity of a beneficial owner, officer or manager: acceptable forms of ID
ECSH45799Confirming the identity of a beneficial owner, officer or manager: ID not provided
ECSH45800Requesting further information from a business, beneficial owner, officer or manager
ECSH45805Further check/test of beneficial owners, officers or managers
ECSH45811The fit and proper test-What is tested? Honesty and integrity
ECSH45812Fit and proper what is tested? Competence and capability
ECSH45813What is tested - financial soundness
ECSH45815The fit and proper test: Risk assessment and policies, controls and procedures inspection
ECSH45821Fit and proper test failure: Individual failure
ECSH45822Fit and proper test failure: leaving a beneficial owner, officer or manager undetermined
ECSH45825Changes to a fit and proper determination
ECSH45830Authorisations caseworker action if other departmental interest is identified
ECSH45835Convictions that are not listed in Schedule 3 of the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 (MLR 2017)
ECSH45840Applicant charged with an offence listed in Schedule 3
ECSH45845Convictions that are listed in Schedule 3 of the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 (MLR 2017)