Transport appraisal and modelling tools
Tools to assist with appraisal and modelling of transport.
The Department for Transport ensures that decisions made on transport policy take account of best advice by:
- forecasting growth in transport use
- assessing the impact of transport using in-house strategic models
- developing and supporting appropriate methods for impacts of transport improvements
- setting the framework, producing and supporting software for assessing whether transport schemes are value for money
- developing and implementing the department’s evaluation strategy
Research and development of guidance
We have ongoing programmes of work on:
- modelling
- appraisal
- evaluation
Through this we create new research methods which help to improve transport systems, decisions and policies.
Documentation created include:
- the TAG documents which are a collection of advice and guidance on modelling and appraisal of transport projects
- the Transport appraisal and strategic modelling reports
- information on the research and development of guidance
National Transport Model
The National Transport Model (NTM) is a systematic means of comparing alternative national transport or widely-used local transport policies. These policies are compared against a range of scenarios taking into account major factors affecting future patterns of travel.
Road traffic forecasts have been made using the National Transport Model.
In 2018, the National Transport Model was updated to a new base year of 2015. Reports have been published to outline the calibration, validation and implementation of the updated demand model.
Software and downloads
To support the development of transport business cases, we have produced a suite of tools to improve appraisal of transport policy and interventions. The tools are to ensure a consistent approach and a cost reduction of carrying out the analysis:
Updates to this page
New page links added: Great Britain Freight Model version 5 – 2022, and National Traffic Projections
Added 3 new reports: National Transport Model (version 5) audit, National Transport Model (version 5): peer review and National Transport Model (version 5): quality report.
Added 5 new reports: National Transport Model: NTMv2R – peer review; National Transport Model: NTMv2R – overview of model structure and update; National Transport Model: analytical review; Light goods vehicle (LGV) model overview; and Light goods vehicle (LGV) modelling and forecasting review.
Added Wider Impacts in Transport Appraisal software to collection.
'National Transport Model: calibration and validation' and 'National Transport Model: implementation report' published.
First published.