UK National Screening Committee

Find out how an article alert system helps the UK NSC stay up to date with the latest scientific developments in health screening.

An update from the partnership board that is overseeing the planning of an in-service evaluation (ISE) of newborn screening for spinal muscular atrophy.

The most recent UK NSC online seminar explored the potential use of multi-cancer detection tests within screening.

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Cancer and screening experts are considering the potential role and challenges of surrogate endpoints in the future of cancer screening programmes.

Find out more about the role local government public health teams play in screening.

Latest from the UK National Screening Committee
What we do
The UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) advises ministers and the NHS in the 4 UK countries about all aspects of screening and supports implementation of screening programmes.
UK NSC is part of the Department of Health and Social Care, the Welsh Government, The Scottish Government, and the Department of Health (Northern Ireland).
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UK National Screening Committee
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