
Migration research and analysis

This series brings together documents relating to Home Office research and evaluation on migration.

This series brings together documents relating to Home Office research and evaluation on migration.

Selected key reports

Title Date published
Immigration detention reform programme: evaluation report

This report presents the findings of an evaluation of changes to policy and practice (2016 to 2020) made as part of the immigration detention reform programme.
GPS expansion pilot evaluation

This evaluation compared behaviours of tagged and non-tagged asylum seekers and suggested that electronic monitoring did not improve their compliance.
Student visa: Views of students and higher education institutions

This report explores the experiences and activities of international students and university sponsors accessing the Sponsored Study visa route.
Evaluation of the Future Borders and Immigration System: Early insights research with skilled workers and employer sponsors

Home Office commissioned research gathering early insights on the Skilled Worker visa route and employer sponsorship.
Global Talent visa evaluation

Home Office commissioned research exploring experiences of the Global Talent visa process.
Survey of Hong Kong British National (Overseas) visa holders 2021

Results from a Home Office-commissioned survey of Hong Kong British National (Overseas) visa holders living in the UK.
Issues raised by people facing return in immigration detention

A report on the applications, legal challenges and other issues raised by people in immigration detention.
Home Office Indicators of Integration framework 2019

This indicators framework provides practical ways to design more effective strategies, monitor services and evaluate integration interventions.
A review of external evidence of the compliant environment: Literature synthesis of external evidence and best use of international examples

A review of external evidence relating to the compliant environment, including a rapid evidence assessment and international comparisons.
Developing an evaluation strategy for the compliant environment: Review of internal data and processes

A review of internal data on the compliant environment measures, including a long-term plan to assess the measures going forward.
Right to Rent scheme: Phase two evaluation

This evaluation reports on the impact of phase two of the Right to Rent scheme and also includes content on the process of its implementation.

All research documents are listed below.

Analysis documents

Updates to this page

Published 3 July 2013
Last updated 16 January 2025 show all updates
  1. Added 'Immigration detention reform programme: evaluation report'.

  2. Added 'GPS expansion pilot evaluation'.

  3. Added 'Student visa: Views of students and higher education institutions'.

  4. Added 'Global Talent visa evaluation: Wave 2 report'.

  5. Re-formatted page to provide links and descriptions to selected key reports. Removed references to statistical publications (which have their own collection) to change focus of page to research and evaluation only

  6. Updated 'Statistics relating to the Illegal Migration Act'.

  7. Updated 'Statistics relating to the Illegal Migration Bill'.

  8. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, March 2023', 'Immigration system statistics, year ending March 2023', 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending March 2023' and 'Migrant journey: 2022 report'

  9. Added 'Statistics relating to the Illegal Migration Bill'.

  10. Added 'Qualitative Evaluation of the Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme (VPRS) and the Vulnerable Children’s Resettlement Scheme (VCRS)'.

  11. Added 'Modern slavery referrals for people detained for return after arriving in the UK on small boats'.

  12. Added 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending December 2022', 'Immigration system statistics, year ending December 2022',

  13. Added 'Right to Rent scheme: Phase two evaluation', 'Developing an evaluation strategy for the compliant environment: Review of internal data and processes' and 'A review of external evidence of the compliant environment: Literature synthesis of external evidence and best use of international examples'.

  14. Added 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending September 2022', 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, September 2022’ and 'Immigration statistics, year ending September 2022'.

  15. Added 'Factsheet: Small boat crossings since July 2022'.

  16. Updated 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2022'.

  17. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2022', 'Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, August 2022', 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending June 2022' and EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, June 2022.

  18. Added 'Evaluation of the Future Borders and Immigration System: Early insights research with graduates' and 'Evaluation of the Future Borders and Immigration System: Early insights research with skilled workers and employer sponsors'.

  19. Added EU Settlement Scheme statistics, June 2022

  20. Added EU Settlement Scheme statistics, May 2022

  21. Added 'Migrant journey: 2021 report'.

  22. Link to Global Talent visa evaluation report added to list of analysis documents.

  23. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2022', 'Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, May 2022', 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, March 2022' and 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending March 2022'.

  24. EU Settlement Scheme statistics, April 2022

  25. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, March 2022'.

  26. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, February 2022'.

  27. Updated 'Immigration statistics, year ending December 2021'.

  28. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending December 2021', 'Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, February 2022', 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, December 2021', 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending December 2021' and 'Developments in Exit Checks'.

  29. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, January 2022'.

  30. Added "Survey of Hong Kong British National (Overseas) visa holders 2021" to the analysis collection.

  31. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending September 2021', 'Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, November 2021' and 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, September 2021'.

  32. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, June 2021'.

  33. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2021' and 'Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, August 2021'.

  34. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics table: total applications by nationality up to 30 June 2021'.

  35. 'Update on modern slavery referrals from detention and prisons' has been added to the release 'Issues raised by people facing return in immigration detention'.

  36. 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2021' has been updated.

  37. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2021', 'Migrant journey: 2020 report', 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, March 2021' and 'Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, May 2021'.

  38. Added 'Issues raised by people facing return in immigration detention'.

  39. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending December 2020', 'Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, February 2021' and 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, December 2020'.

  40. The text, 'Information on the European Migration Network and access to its publications' has been amended to 'Research published by the UK as part of the European Migration Network (EMN) can be found on the EMN website publication page'.

  41. 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, September 2020' has been amended.

  42. EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics to September 2020, Immigration statistics, year ending September 2020 and Immigration statistics, year ending September 2020 published.

  43. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2020', 'Fifth report on statistics relating to exit checks', 'Statistics relating to passenger arrivals since the COVID-19 outbreak, August 2020' and 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, June 2020'.

  44. Added 'No recourse to public funds applications to change conditions of leave: July 2020'.

  45. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, May 2020'.

  46. Added 'Statistics relating to Covid-19 and the immigration system, May 2020'.

  47. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2020', 'Migrant journey: 2019 report' and 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, April 2020'.

  48. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, March 2020'.

  49. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, March 2020'.

  50. Added 'A review of evidence relating to the elasticity of demand for visas in the UK'.

  51. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, February 2020'.

  52. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending December 2019' and 'Grenfell immigration policy statistics'.

  53. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, January 2020'.

  54. 'Tier 4 pilot evaluation' has been released as a second edition.

  55. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, December 2019'.

  56. Added Welsh language documents to 'Home Office Indicators of Integration framework 2019 third edition'.

  57. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, December 2019'.

  58. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, November 2019'.

  59. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending September 2019'.

  60. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, October 2019'.

  61. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, September 2019'.

  62. Updated 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, September 2019' to second edition.

  63. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, September 2019'.

  64. 'Home Office Indicators of Integration framework 2019 second edition' updated to 'Home Office Indicators of Integration framework 2019 third edition'.

  65. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, August 2019'.

  66. Updated 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2019' to second edition.

  67. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2019', 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, June 2019' and 'Fourth report on statistics being collected under the exit checks programme'.

  68. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, July 2019'.

  69. Added "EU Settlement Scheme statistics, June 2019".

  70. 'Home Office Indicators of Integration framework 2019' has been updated to a second edition.

  71. Added "EU Settlement Scheme statistics, May 2019".

  72. Added 'Home Office Indicators of Integration framework 2019'.

  73. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme statistics, April 2019'.

  74. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2019' and ‘Migrant journey: 2018 report’.

  75. Added 'The Global Mental Health Assessment Tool (GMHAT) pilot evaluation: Final report'.

  76. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending December 2018'.

  77. Added 'Tier 4 pilot evaluation' and 'Technical paper to accompany the ‘The UK’s future skills-based immigration system’ economic appraisal: Annex B'.

  78. Added 'The UK Government’s Approach to Evaluating the Vulnerable Persons and Vulnerable Children’s Resettlement Schemes'.

  79. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending September 2018'.

  80. Attached EU Settlement Scheme private beta testing phase 1 report.

  81. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending June 2018' and ''Third report on statistics being collected under the exit checks programme'.

  82. Added 'Immigration statistics, year ending March 2018’.

  83. Added 'Immigration statistics, October to December 2017', 'Statistics on changes in migrants’ visa and leave status: 2016' and 'Developments in migration statistics since 2010'.

  84. Added 'Immigration statistics, July to September 2017' and 'Asylum claims on the basis of sexual orientation'.

  85. Added 'Second report on statistics being collected under the exit checks programme' and ‘Immigration statistics, April to June 2017’.

  86. Added 'Immigration Statistics, January to March 2017'.

  87. Added ‘Immigration statistics, October to December 2016’.

  88. Added ‘Immigration statistics, July to September 2016’.

  89. Added 'A report on the statistics being collected under the exit checks programme'.

  90. Added 'Immigration statistics, April to June 2016'.

  91. Added 'Immigration statistics, January to March 2016'.

  92. Added 'Immigration statistics, October to December 2015' and 'Immigration statistics, October to December 2015: data tables', updated 'Home Office immigration statistics: user guide' and 'Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline'.

  93. Added 'Evaluation of Independent Child Trafficking Advocates trial: Final report'.

  94. Added the statistical releases from the 'Immigration statistics quarterly release' collection.

  95. Added 'Evaluation of the Right to Rent scheme', 'Research with landlords, letting agents and tenants' and 'Mystery shopping to test the potential for discrimination within the private rental sector'.

  96. Added Occasional Paper, 'The reason for migration and labour market characteristics of UK residents born abroad'.

  97. First published.