Dépistage du cancer de l’intestin : subir une coloscopie (French)
Ce dépliant fournit des informations sur la réalisation d'une coloscopie si des tests supplémentaires sont nécessaires après l'utilisation du kit de test de dépistage du cancer de l'intestin du NHS.
Applies to England
Ces informations sont destinées aux personnes invitées à subir une coloscopie après un dépistage du cancer de l’intestin. Il vous appartient de choisir de subir ou non une coloscopie. Cette brochure a pour but de vous aider à prendre votre décision.
Updates to this page
Publié le 1 février 2015Dernière mise à jour le 27 janvier 2025 + show all updates
Added 30 new translations in HTML, replacing 10 translations in PDF.
Clarification made to section on how we use personal information.
Full review of the having a colonoscopy leaflet to improve accessibility and update in line with programme data. Previous PDF version removed.
Updating confidentiality section, replacing mention of Public Health England with NHS England.
Addition of plain A4 PDF version for printing, to provide for people unable to access this information online.
Updated information on the use of personal data in the HTML document.
Updated information on data use, clarified terms and removed PDF.
Updated medicine instructions in Before your colonoscopy section.
A new version of the colonoscopy leaflet is now available. We send this leaflet to people who have had an abnormal screening result using the new faecal occult test (FIT) kit for bowel cancer screening. This new leaflet is also available in HTML format. It can be viewed and printed in large print, and accessed using a screen reader. Translations are also available in 10 languages.
Removed translated versions of the leaflet which are out-of-date.
Addition of link to new audio version of leaflet
First published.