
Newidiadau Taliad Annibyniaeth Personol

Crynodeb o'r newidiadau i'r Taliad Annibyniaeth Personol (PIP) sy'n effeithio ar sut mae'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau yn penderfynu hawliadau PIP.

Updates to this page

Cyhoeddwyd ar 26 June 2018
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 22 May 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added 'Unpaid enhanced mobility: changes to PIP law from 30 November 2020.

  2. Added 'Risk and safety: changes to PIP law from 21 August 2020'.

  3. Added 'Social support: changes to PIP law from 6 April 2016'.

  4. Updated the documents, 'Managing medication and monitoring a health condition: changes to PIP law from 28 November 2016 to 15 March 2017', 'Safety and supervision: changes to PIP law from 9 March 2017', 'Special diet as therapy: changes to PIP law from 28 November 2016', 'Overwhelming psychological distress and journeys: changes to PIP law from 28 November 2016' as the exercise has re-started.

  5. Updated the documents, 'Managing medication and monitoring a health condition: changes to PIP law from 28 November 2016 to 15 March 2017', 'Safety and supervision: changes to PIP law from 9 March 2017', 'Special diet as therapy: changes to PIP law from 28 November 2016', 'Overwhelming psychological distress and journeys: changes to PIP law from 28 November 2016' as the pause has been extended to September.

  6. Added Welsh versions of all documents published on April 2020.

  7. Updated the documents, 'Managing medication and monitoring a health condition: changes to PIP law from 28 November 2016 to 15 March 2017', 'Safety and supervision: changes to PIP law from 9 March 2017', 'Special diet as therapy: changes to PIP law from 28 November 2016', 'Overwhelming psychological distress and journeys: changes to PIP law from 28 November 2016' as this work is being paused due to coronavirus. Updated the document 'Moving from DLA to PIP: changes to PIP law from 23 November 2017' as this exercise has ended.

  8. Added HTML files 'Managing medication and monitoring a health condition: changes to PIP law from 28 November 2016 to 15 March 2017' and 'Special diet as therapy: changes to PIP law from 28 November 2016'.

  9. Added 'Moving from DLA to PIP: changes to PIP law from 23 November 2017'.

  10. Added Welsh translation.

  11. First published.

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