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21 services sorted by Most viewed
  • Find out what benefits you could get, how much you could get and how to claim

  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP) replaces Disability Living Allowance (DLA) - how and when to claim, rates, eligibility.

  • Attendance Allowance helps pay for your personal care if you've reached State Pension age and are disabled - rates, eligibility, apply, claim form AA1.

    • Overview

      Attendance Allowance helps with extra costs if you have a disability…

    • What you'll get

      Attendance Allowance is paid weekly at 2 different rates - the one you get…

    • Eligibility

      You can get Attendance Allowance if you’ve reached State Pension age and…

    • How to claim

      You can apply for Attendance Allowance online or by post. To apply, you’ll…

    • Report a change in circumstances

      If your circumstances change, the amount you get from Attendance Allowance…

  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) money if you cannot work because of illness or disability - rates, eligibility, apply, assessment.

  • Help for children under 16 with disabilities - DLA rate, eligibility, how to apply, claim form.

  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for adults - DLA rates, eligibility, changes because of Personal Independence Payment.

  • Use the Attendance Allowance claim form to apply for financial help for your personal care if you're disabled and State Pension age or older.

  • Contact information for queries about claims that have been made for Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payment and Attendance Allowance

  • Financial help if you're disabled - benefits, housing costs, council tax, vehicle tax exemption, TV Licence, motability schemes, VAT relief

  • A disability premium is extra money if you’re under Pension Credit age and registered blind or getting certain benefits - what you get, eligibility, apply

  • Apply to become an appointee for someone claiming benefits - how to apply, stop being an appointee

  • Apply for financial help to make your home suitable for a disabled person

  • A Vaccine Damage Payment is a one-off tax-free payment of £120,000 if you're severely disabled as a result of vaccination against certain diseases - what you'll get, eligibility and applying.

  • Use this form to claim Carer’s Allowance by post if you can’t claim online.

  • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit is help if you're ill or disabled from an accident or disease caused by work - eligibility, how to claim.

  • Incapacity Benefit is help if you could not work because of an illness or disability before 31 January 2011 - it's being replaced with Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).

  • Severe Disablement Allowance is being phased out - people with severe disabilities can get Employment and Support Allowance instead

  • Reduced Earnings Allowance can help if your income falls because of a work-related accident or disease - what you'll get, eligibility and how to claim

  • The Independent Living Fund (ILF) provided funds to help disabled people live an independent life - closed to new applications, reviews of existing payments

  • The Access to Elected Office Fund helps disabled people with the costs of standing for election - what you'll get, who is eligible and how to apply