
Crime research and analysis

This series brings together all documents relating to crime research and analysis

Research on crime to support Home Office policy development and operational activity.



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Published 7 October 2013
Last updated 27 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Added 'Hot spot policing in England and Wales, year ending March 2023'.

  2. Added 'Evaluation of the Creating Opportunities Forum (COF) programme' and 'Evaluation of the Early Intervention Youth Fund: Impact report'.

  3. Added 'Evaluation of Clear, Hold, Build'.

  4. Added 'Public attitudes to cyber crime and fraud', 'Understanding the cyber crime and fraud victim journey', 'Experiences of victims of fraud and cyber crime' and 'The experiences and impact of ransomware attacks on victims'.

  5. Added 'Public knowledge and perceptions on ransomware against businesses'.

  6. Added 'Independent Child Trafficking Guardian (ICTG) MSA evaluation' and 'An evaluation of the pilot to devolve decision-making for child victims of modern slavery'.

  7. Added 'Safety of Women at Night Fund evaluation', 'Evaluation of the Safer Streets Fund round 2, year ending March 2022' and 'Evaluation of the Safer Streets Fund round 3, year ending March 2022'.

  8. Added 'Hot spot policing in England and Wales, year ending March 2022'.

  9. Added 'The impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on crime demand and charge volumes'.

  10. Added 'Violence Reduction Units 2022 to 2023'.

  11. Added 'Evaluating the Support for Migrant Victims (SMV) Pilot'.

  12. Added 'Economic Crime Survey 2020'

  13. Added 'Violence Reduction Unit, year ending March 2022 evaluation report'.

  14. Added 'Safer Streets Fund evaluation'.

  15. Added 'Digital evidence in appeal judgement transcripts'.

  16. Added 'Violence reduction unit year ending March 2021 evaluation report'.

  17. Removed 'Review of the controlling or coercive behaviour offence'.

  18. Added 'Economic crime research strategy: Home Office research priorities'.

  19. Added 'Review of the controlling or coercive behaviour offence'.

  20. Added 'The motivations of offenders who carry and use acid and other corrosives in criminal acts'.

  21. Added new publications.

  22. Added 'An analysis of Disclosure and Barring Service applications for 2015 to 2016'.

  23. Added 'Violence Reduction Unit evaluation, 2019 to 2020'.

  24. Annexes added to 'Trends and drivers of homicide: Main findings'.

  25. Added 'Successes and challenges of delivering hate crime community projects '.

  26. Added 'Trends and drivers of homicide: Main findings'.

  27. Added 'An analysis of indicators of serious violence: Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study and the Environmental Risk (E-Risk) Longitudinal Twin Study'.

  28. Added 'An evaluation of Independent Child Trafficking Guardians - early adopter sites: Final report'.

  29. Updated 'Understanding organised crime April 2015 to March 2016' to a second edition.

  30. Added 'The economic and social costs of domestic abuse'.

  31. Added ‘Understanding organised crime April 2015 to March 2016’, ‘Exploring the role of the Financial Investigator’ and ‘Serious and Organised Crime: Home Office research priorities April 2018 to March 2021’.

  32. Updated 'The economic and social costs of crime second edition'.

  33. Added 'The economic and social costs of modern slavery' and 'An assessment of Independent Child Trafficking Advocates: Interim findings'.

  34. Added 'The economic and social costs of crime'.

  35. Added 'The scale and nature of fraud: a review of the evidence'.

  36. Added 'An evaluation of the National Referral Mechanism pilot'.

  37. Added 'A typology of modern slavery offences in the UK'.

  38. Added ‘New opiate and crack-cocaine users: characteristics and trends’ and ‘Impact of the reduction in heroin supply between 2010 and 2011’.

  39. Added 'Reducing criminal opportunity: vehicle security and vehicle crime'.

  40. Added 'Evaluation of Independent Child Trafficking Advocates trial: Final report'.

  41. Added 'The nature of online offending' and 'Crime and the value of stolen goods'.

  42. Updated 'An evaluation of government and law enforcement interventions aimed at reducing metal theft' with a data table supplied from the British Transport Police.

  43. Added 'An evaluation of government and law enforcement interventions aimed at reducing metal theft'.

  44. Added 'The start of a criminal career: does debut offence predict future offending?'.

  45. Added 'Evaluation of the Pilot of Domestic Violence Protection Orders'.

  46. First published.