
UK Competition Network (UKCN)

Documents issued by the members of the UKCN – the CMA and the individual sector regulators – about how competition law will be applied in the regulated sectors.

The UK Competition Network (UKCN) is an alliance of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) with all the UK regulators that have a specific role to support and enable competition within their sectors.

The Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 includes a range of measures to strengthen the regime for the concurrent application of competition law in the regulated sectors.

The Competition Act 1998 (Concurrency) Regulations 2014 sets out certain rules and procedures for enhanced co-operation between the CMA and sector regulators in the application of competition law in the regulated sectors.

UKCN statement of intent

Annual report on concurrency

10 year review of the competition concurrency arrangements

Concurrency guidance

Sector regulators' competition guidance

Memorandums of understanding

The memorandums of understanding between the CMA and the sector regulators set out how we will work together to avoid duplication of effort and share best practice.

UKCN secondment principles



Competition Act cases: regulated sectors

UKCN consumer remedies project

A joint project, carried out by UKCN members, to improve their understanding of customer behaviour and the selection, design, testing and evaluation of demand-side remedies. The themes discussed at each workshop are below:

Updates to this page

Published 22 December 2014
Last updated 19 December 2024 show all updates
  1. Report on the competition concurrency arrangements added.

  2. Consultation on leniency arrangements added.

  3. UKCN consumer remedies project materials added.

  4. Office of Rail and Road consultation added.

  5. Office of Rail and Road consultation added.

  6. Guidance on the Civil Aviation Authority’s competition powers added.

  7. Annual concurrency report added.

  8. First published.