
Seafarer Training, Certification, Examinations and Careers

A collection of resources related to UK Seafarer Training, Examinations, Certification - including Certificates of Competency (CoCs) - and Careers.

General certification information

You can find general information about the UK CoC in this collection.

Deck certification information

You can find the requirements to achieve a UK Deck CoC or Licence in this collection.

Engineering and Electro-Technical certification information

You can find the requirements to achieve a UK Engineering or Electro-Technical CoC or Licence in this collection.

Training providers

Seafarers are required to undergo various types of training to meet the requirements for obtaining CoCs and Licences. You must complete this training at an MCA Approved Training Provider.

You can find the lists of MCA approved providers in this collection.

Long Courses

Long courses lead to the issuance of a UK CoC and an academic qualification. The MCA approves both Nautical Colleges and Yacht or Small Vessel Training Providers to deliver these long courses.

Each approved Nautical College and Yacht or Small Vessel Training Provider offers multiple course options, varying by discipline (Deck, Engineering or Electro-Technology) and level of academic qualification (Honours Degree, Foundation Degree, Scottish Professional Diploma, Advanced Certificate, etc.).

Refer to the relevant “certification information” section of this page for information on the requirements to achieve a CoC in each discipline.

For more information on the courses offered by each Nautical College or Yacht or Small Vessel Training Provider, visit their website or contact them directly using the details in this collection.

Short Courses

Seafarers employed or engaged in any capacity on board a ship are required to successfully complete the following four elements of basic training:

  • Personal Survival Techniques (STCW Code – Table A-VI/1-1)
  • Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (STCW Code – Table A-VI/1-2)
  • Elementary First Aid (STCW Code – Table A-VI/1-3)
  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (STCW Code – Table A-VI/1-4)

You may also require additional safety and ancillary training may be required, this will depend on the CoC or Licence you are applying for.

Refer to the relevant “certification information” section of this page for information on the short course requirements to achieve different CoCs and Licences in each discipline.

Flag State Endorsement (FSE) certification information

You can find the requirements to achieve or verify a UK Flag State Endorsement in this collection.

Short Course certification information

You can find the requirements to achieve a UK Certificate of Proficiency, issued via MCA Approved Short Course, in this collection.

Oral examination logistics

You can find the information on oral examination logistics in this collection.

Oral examination syllabuses

Seafarers may be required to undertake oral examinations as one of the requirements to achieve a CoC or Licence. Refer to the relevant “certification information” section of this page for information on the requirements to achieve a CoC or Licence in each discipline.

You can find the oral examination syllabuses held by the MCA in this collection.

Written examination syllabuses

Seafarers may be required to undertake written examinations as one of the requirements to achieve a CoC or Licence. Refer to the relevant “certification information” section of this page for information on the requirements to achieve a CoC or Licence in each discipline.

You can find the written examination syllabuses held by the MCA in this collection.

Careers and SMarT funding

Fishing certification information

You can find the requirements to achieve a UK Fishing CoC in this collection.

Consultations and surveys

You can find MCA consultations and surveys relating to UK seafarers training, examinations, certification or careers in this collection.

Updates to this page

Published 17 May 2024
Last updated 23 December 2024 show all updates
  1. PSCRB (Restricted) syllabus added

  2. Added three documents: 'One-day Small Workboat Stability', 'Large Yacht Helideck Safety Training' and 'Approved Electric Propulsion Course 1'.

  3. Small Ships Navigation and Radar Course criteria added to the deck certification information section. Workshop Skills Training guidelines, Approved Engine Course guidelines and Small Ships Navigation and Radar Course criteria added to the short course information section.

  4. First published.