The 10 Year Health Plan working groups will consider the future vision for the NHS and areas of the NHS that will need to change to achieve this.
The 4G/TV Co-existence Oversight Board oversees the help being offered to consumers affected by television interference caused by the rollout of 4G (superfast mobile internet) in the 800 MHz spectrum band.
This committee was replaced by the Devices Expert Advisory Committee (DEAC)
Departmental Ministerial Disability Champions provide a personal lead and commitment to championing accessibility and opportunity for disabled people within their departments.
The group, representing the main users of water in and from rivers, lakes and aquifers, advises the UK and Welsh governments on proposals for the reform of the water abstraction management system in England and Wales.
The advisory group will work alongside the Department for Education for the internal policy review of academy trusts and their development as we move towards an academy trust-led school system.
An overview of the Academy for Social Justice Commissioning's learning groups and the Provider Development learning group's reports.
The Accelerated Capability Environment (ACE) solves public safety and security challenges arising from rapidly changing digital and data technologies. It brings together expertise from industry and academia to innovate colla…
The Action Group on Cross Border Remittances brings together participants from industry, government, regulators, and international partners improve dialogue and trust between stakeholders in the UK remittance market.
ACUMEN was an EU LIFE+ funded project which demonstrated new approaches for using, and mitigating the climate change impacts, of the methane in landfill gas generated at older closed landfills.
This working group of external stakeholder representatives and HM Revenue and Customs' (HMRC) staff helps us to understand the needs of customers who may need additional help with HMRC services.
We aim to help them e…
The Administrative Burdens Advisory Board's goal is to make a noticeable difference for small business by supporting HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to help make tax easier, quicker and simpler.
The group advises the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) on their oversight of the administrative justice and tribunals system.
The Adult Autism Programme Board has now closed. It has been replaced with a new approach for the autism strategy.
This group provides expert advice to the Department of Health and Social Care and the Minister for Social Care on how to achieve sustainable growth in the capacity of adult social care services with a particular focus on pre…
The Advanced Learner Loans Stakeholders Group is a joint group between the Student Loans Company (SLC) and the Skills Funding Agency (SFA), appointed by the Department for Education (DfE).
The Advisory Board for Female Offenders is responsible for oversight of delivery of the government’s Female Offender Strategy (June 2018). The group brings together government departments, criminal justice agencies and key s…
The advisory board advises on the safety and quality of homeopathic medicines when there's an application for registration, marketing authorisation or licence of right.
The Advisory Committee on Antimicrobial Prescribing, Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection (APRHAI) provides practical and scientific advice to the government on minimising the risk of healthcare associated infectio…
The Advisory Committee on Borderline Substances (ACBS) is responsible for advising on the prescribing and use of borderline substances in NHS primary care and the community.
The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens' (ACDP) role is to provide scientific advice on the risks of exposure to various pathogens.
The Advisory Committee on the Safety of Blood, Tissues and Organs (SaBTO) advises UK ministers and health departments on the most appropriate ways to ensure the safety of blood, cells, tissues and organs for transfusion or t…
This Group was established during the passage through the Lords of the Energy Bill 2015 to advise on future UK strategy for CCS
This group is no longer active and stood down in 2015. It advised the Chief Medical Officers in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on appropriate policies for the prevention and control of viral hepatitis.
The Advisory Group on Ionising Radiation (AGIR) advises Public Health England on radiation hazards.
The Department for Education and Ministry of Justice jointly chaired advisory group will advise on the special educational needs and disabilities review of disagreement resolution.
The committee's main function is to provide the Home Office’s Chief Scientific Adviser with independent advice on the estimation of chronological age in the living.
An HMRC-sponsored forum, the Agent Engagement Group (AEG) was a strategic stakeholder group comprising members of the Agent Professional Bodies and HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). The group was concerned with potential and …
A forum for gathering the views of agents and bookkeepers through professional bodies.
The Agile Nations is an inter-governmental regulatory cooperation network designed to foster co-operation on innovative regulatory practice between participating governments.
The network focuses on the testing and develo…
The Agri-food Technology Leadership Council provide insight and leadership to improve the food and agriculture sectors.
The AI Council was an independent expert committee that provided advice to Government, and high-level leadership of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) ecosystem.
As announced at Budget 2018, and following the call for evidence on ‘VAT, Air Passenger Duty and Tourism in Northern Ireland’, HM Treasury will convene a technical working group to consider the operational and legal challeng…
The AQEG provides independent scientific advice on air quality to Defra, in particular the air pollutants contained in the Air Quality Strategy (AQS) for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and those covered by the…
ANMAC was set up as the Aircraft Noise Monitoring Advisory Committee by the Department for Transport to advise on policy relating to aircraft noise at Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted.
A formal channel of communication between the Department for Transport and airspace and airport noise stakeholders.
The Airspace Strategy Board is chaired by the Department for Transport Aviation Minister. It supports the Department for Transport and Civil Aviation Authority in their role as co-sponsors of airspace modernisation. The boar…
The Animal Health and Welfare Board for England (AHWBE) is responsible for strategic animal health and welfare policy, and oversight of implementation in relation to England, taking account of public health considerations.
The Animal Health Surveillance Governance Board (AHSGB) advises Defra and the Welsh Government on animal health scanning surveillance in England and Wales.
The Animal Sentience Committee considers how central government policy decisions take account of animal welfare.
AWC advises the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Scottish and Welsh Governments on the welfare of animals. This includes farmed, companion and wild animals kept by people.
The Working Group was established to consider and take forward proposals to tackle anti-Muslim hatred. The Working Group was the government’s main forum for discussing issues of concern with Muslim stakeholders and the commu…
The Applicants' Focus Group provides advice to the Forestry Commission and helps shape operational practice.
The apprenticeship ambassador network (AAN) is a group of employers whose main aim is to spearhead the drive to engage new employers to commit to apprenticeship delivery in England.
The Apprenticeship Diversity Champions Network (ADCN) champions apprenticeships and diversity to employers and encourages more people from diverse backgrounds to consider apprenticeships.
The Pension Board is responsible for assisting the Secretary of State for Defence, as Scheme Manager, in ensuring compliance with the scheme regulations and other legislation relating to the governance and administration of …
ADMLC provides independent advice on atmospheric dispersion.
The alliance brings together education, children’s, social and health services to raise school attendance.
The Authenticity Methodology Working Group (AMWG) evaluates research developed within Defra’s Food Authenticity Research Programme, ensuring methods developed are robust and advising on the wider application of methods.
The Aviation Accessibility Task and Finish Group has been established to develop practical and achievable actions for industry, government, or the regulator, to improve aviation accessibility.
The Aviation Ambassadors Group works with the Department for Transport to help deliver a skilled, diverse and sustainable aviation workforce fit to seize the opportunities of the future.
The Aviation Council brings together industry and government to support the delivery and implementation of commitments set out in the Flightpath to the Future and to ensure that the UK retains one of the strongest and most s…
The Aviation Management Board (AMB) aims to enable the successful commissioning of the onshore and offshore wind pipeline in areas where there are potential or existing issues with aviation systems (such as RADAR) and airsp…
Oversees the design and analysis of the data collection on the humaneness, effectiveness (in terms of badger removal) and safety of the two badger culling pilots.
An HMRC-sponsored forum through which voluntary sector, intermediary and other organisations can discuss current issues relating to Child Benefit, Tax Credits and stopping Tax Credits as part of the transition of Tax Credits…
This Sub-group now ceases to exist.
Advising on how civil society can work in partnership with the Welsh Government.
The task force will explore options and develop recommendations for the use of vaccination of poultry to prevent the spread of bird flu in the UK.
The BIS Retail sector team was disbanded in April 2016.
The Blood Consultative Committee works with the national executive blood bodies and other stakeholders to develop advice and recommendations on regulatory aspects of blood banks, blood establishments and blood processes.
The Board of Trade is one of the government’s flagship advisory bodies on trade and the economy. Comprised of 10 appointed business advisers and a number of ex-officio advisers, representing the UK Nations and City of London…
The Board of Women’s Sport brings together experts, academics and national governing bodies to look at existing and future opportunities to support women's sport.
TBEAG advised on the development and implementation of the strategy for eradicating bovine TB.
The Bovine TB Science Advisory Body (bTB SAB) was set up in January 2008 to provide independent advice to Defra on bovine TB-related research.
The Bovine TB Partnership contributes to setting strategic direction for the government’s bovine tuberculosis (bTB) eradication programme and plays a key role in co-designing new policies and communications.
The British Forces Post Office (BFPO) provides a mail service to serving British forces personnel and their families worldwide, including exercises and operations.
The commission was an independent body that advised government on how to promote and increase the use of high-quality design for new build homes and neighbourhoods.
The Building Control Performance Standards Advisory Group (BCPSAG) was a sub-committee of the Building Regulations Advisory Committee (BRAC) for England and and the Building Advisory Committee (BRAC) for Wales.
The Bureaucracy reference group worked with the Department for Education to help cut down unnecessary administration of schools and children’s services.
The BACG provides advice on burials and burial grounds.
The Bus Service Operators Grant (BSOG) team can be contacted if you require further information about BSOG or if you think you are entitled to claim the grant.
The Business Finance Council works with lenders to ensure their SME customers can access the finance they need to grow and thrive.
Since 2010, the Financial Secretary, David Gauke MP has chaired the Business Forum on Tax and Competitiveness, meeting biannually with business leaders to discuss ways in which the Government can improve the competitiveness …
The Business Innovation Forum provides advice on implementation of the UK Innovation Strategy and innovation policy.
“Building long-term partnerships between business and government to tackle the UK’s biggest social and economic challenges.”
An HMRC-sponsored forum that aims to improve the operation of the tax system for both HM Revenue and Customs and large business.
A forum for HMRC and representatives of tax advisers and the accountancy profession, law societies, HM Treasury and others to discuss Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax and trusts.
The Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Cost Reduction Task Force was set up in spring 2012 to advise the government and industry on the steps needed to reduce the cost of CCS, so that it could compete with other low carbon tec…
The Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Development Forum was established to facilitate the development of CCS by bringing DECC and CCS stakeholders together. It has been replaced by the CCUS Council.
Government established the CCUS Cost Challenge Taskforce to provide advice on the steps needed to reduce the cost of deploying carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) in the UK. The Taskforce reported to government in July …
The purpose of the CCUS Council is to review progress and provide oversight on the implementation of the CCUS programme and approach to cluster deployment.
The CPET service ends on 31 March 2016.
This is a joint subgroup comprising of representative bodies who are members of HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) existing Wealthy External Forum and Capital Taxes Liaison Group.
An HMRC-sponsored forum that enables HMRC and people representing the charity sector, tax advisers, accountancy professionals, law societies and others to discuss and review, frankly and openly, tax issues that affect charit…
Most government departments have a Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA) to provide scientific advice.
The role of the taskforce is to oversee the development and publication of an ambitious cross-government child poverty strategy to reduce and alleviate child poverty. The aim is to improve children’s lives and life chances n…
The Children and Young People’s Health Outcomes Forum (CYPHOF) was an independent advisory group of professionals and representatives from across the children’s sector who advised on how to improve children and young people’…
The taskforce will look at improving outcomes for children and young people’s mental health and well-being.
Children’s Education Advisory Service (CEAS) supports operational effectiveness through the provision of educational support to Service and eligible MOD civilian families.
This group provides a forum for data providers to discuss current practice and proposed changes to children’s services statutory returns.
The board brings together strategic leaders and people with lived experience of the care system to advise on the reform programme for children’s social care.
The group has been established to help the government set national direction for practice in local authority children’s social care.
The review of choice in end of life care will advise the government on how to expand choice to improve end of life care for adults.
The Circular Economy Taskforce is an independent expert advisory group established in November 2024 to support the government in creating a circular economy strategy for England.
The former functions of the Civil Service Group are now being taken forward by different parts of the Cabinet Office and the Department for Education.
The Civil Service Group was responsible for implementing the Civil Ser…
The Civil Service HR (CSHR) function encompasses all the civil servants working in Human Resources and Learning and Development across all government departments, agencies and non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs).
The Civil Service Languages Network (CSLN) is a network for civil servants with a passion for languages who enjoy immersing themselves in different cultures. Whether you speak five different languages or are beginning your l…
With effect from 1 April 2022, Civil Service Local is no longer in operation. Many of its former functions are now being taken forward by different parts of the Cabinet Office. This site remains to inform what CS Local did a…
The Claims Management Regulator was a unit of the Ministry of Justice that regulated companies providing claims management services to England and Wales. Its regulatory responsibilities passed to the Financial Conduct Author…
CLEAR Info is an EU LIFE+ funded project which aims to join up regulatory data with business information to identify environmental risks and opportunities.
The Climate Adaptation Research and Innovation Board (CARIB) provides strategic oversight of adaptation research in the UK.
Monitor’s Co-operation and Competition Clinical Reference Group provides expert clinical advice on issues we are considering.
Monitor’s Co-operation and Competition Economics Reference Group provides expert competition economics advice on issues we are considering.
An HMRC-sponsored forum which established a formal working relationship between HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and representatives of the software developers industry, where strategic, technical and service support was discus…
An HMRC-sponsored forum and subgroup of HMRC's Employment and Payroll Group, which is HMRC's principal forum for employer representatives and intermediaries including payroll specialists on student loan issues.
An independent group of education experts supporting schools to develop new approaches to assessment following the removal of levels.
COC advises the government and government agencies on whether substances are likely to cause cancer.
COMARE advises on the health effects of natural and human-made radiation, both ionising and non-ionising.
Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants (COMEAP) advises the government on all matters concerning the health effects of air pollutants.
The committee is considering revisions to guidance to Trust Special Administrators (TSAs) appointed to NHS Trusts and Foundation Trusts.
Common Technology Services (CTS) supports government digital transformation by designing IT solutions that meet cross government technology needs, enabling collaboration and cost savings.
The Commonhold Council was established to advise the government on the implementation of a reformed commonhold regime.
To provide a forum in which HMRC and representatives of the sports sector their advisers and other interested bodies can discuss and review in a frank and open manner the operation of the Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC…
This informal advisory body was established to help DECC design and deliver with communities in mind.
A forum to discuss matters of interest for competent person schemes who undertake self-certified building work in England and Wales
The Compliance Reform Forum (CRF) is a joint forum in which HMRC consults and communicates with representative organisations about changes to HMRC compliance checking activities, with a particular focus on the views of tax a…
The Construction Forum has been established to build a stronger relationship between HMRC and construction sector representatives with a particular focus on the Construction Industry Scheme.
This was an HMRC-sponsored forum that provided feedback from the construction industry on the day-to-day performance of the Construction Industry Scheme. It closed in March 2019.
The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) works between industry and government to identify and deliver actions supporting UK construction in building greater efficiency, skills and growth.
Between 2003 and 2012 the Consumer Expert Group advised government on consumer issues relating to the Digital Television Switchover and from 2009 to 2013 the Group also examined the consumer impact of a Digital Radio Switcho…
The Consumer Forum brings together the CEOs of the economic regulators, plus the FCA and the CMA, with the relevant ministers from their respective sponsor departments. It aims to enhance collaboration and coordination betwe…
The Consumer Protection Partnership (CPP) brings together organisations within the consumer landscape to better identify, prioritise and coordinate collective action to tackle the issues causing greatest detriment to consume…
The group explores proposals and highlight potential questions, challenges and practical issues on metering, with a view to informing potential solutions and contributing to recommendations as requested by DECC.
Contracts for Difference (CfD) Stakeholder Bulletins issued by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ).
The group discusses the operational impact of any proposed changes to data collections and transfers related to education in England.
To support the implementation and delivery of the Costing Transformation Programme, Monitor runs a Costing Advisory Group.
The Council for Sustainable Business advises Defra on how businesses can help achieve the aims of the 25 Year Environment Plan and Environmental Improvement Plan.
The focal point in the UK Ministry of Defence for international Government to Government (G2G) requests for support in the management of the threats and risks from conventional munitions, improvised explosive devices (IED) a…
The Department of Health and Social Care Therapeutics Clinical Review Panel determined which at-risk patient cohorts could be eligible for COVID-19 therapies.
The Creative Industries Council is a joint forum between the creative industries and government.
The Criminal Justice Board brings together criminal justice leaders to maintain oversight of the system and promote a collaborative approach to addressing its challenges.
The forum aims to provide a set of data standards to support effective ICT communication between the various criminal justice organisations in England and Wales.
The Criminal Legal Aid Advisory Board (CLAAB) provides independent advice to the Lord Chancellor on the operation and structure of the existing and future criminal legal aid schemes.
A group to review the rules for employment status across government and consider the possibility of moving towards agreed employment status principles.
The Crown Premises Fire Safety Inspectorate (CPFSI) enforces the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 in government buildings, Parliament and other Crown premises, excluding Ministry of Defence buildings who have their…
A group of experts from education and cultural sectors who are helping the Department for Education and Department for Culture, Media and Sport to develop the cultural education plan.
The Taskforce and Working Groups have been set up to develop guidance for safe reopening of DCMS sectors following the latest coronavirus guidelines.
The Culture Recovery Fund was an unprecedented fund set up to tackle the crisis that faced our most-loved cultural organisations and heritage sites during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The Culture Recovery Board was c…
Review of the existing national curriculum and statutory assessment system in England, to ensure they are fit for purpose and meeting the needs of children and young people.
The Customer Equality Reference Group for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) acted as a consultative group for the department’s proposals when implementing equality legislation.
The Cyber and Domains Protection team helps to protect critical government services that depend on the security of the .gov.uk domain.
The Cycle Proofing Working Group advises the Department for Transport, public bodies, government departments and devolved agencies on cycle proofing policy.
The CTSB's role, minutes from meetings and contact details.
Team within the Department for Transport with responsibility for the policy for the safe and secure carriage of dangerous goods.
The use of data in the public sector is overseen by two governance boards - the Data Advisory Board and the Data Leaders Network. The secretariat for both sits within the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sports (…
The Data and Management Information Advisory Group (DMIAG) is made up of representatives and stakeholders from the further education sector. The Group advises the Vocational Education Data Board on data related matters.
The Data Standards Authority (DSA) works to improve how the public sector manages data. The DSA does this by establishing standards to make it easier and more effective to share and use data across government.
The Data Steering Group has strategic oversight of the use and management of government’s data, both inside and outside the public sector.
The DCMS College of Experts is made up of 32 external experts from across academia and industry and will provide a mechanism for the department to access external expertise and guidance.
The DCMS Science Advisory Council provides independent scientific and technical (S&T) advice and assurance to the Department.
DE&S Deca are an operating centre within DE&S dedicated to maintenance, repair, overhaul, upgrade, procurement and managed services provision across Defence electronics, components and general equipment support.
The Death Certification National Steering Group is working with a wide range of organisations to simplify and strengthen the process of death certification as part of its response to the recommendations of the Shipman Inquir…
DECC’s Science Advisory Group (SAG) was disbanded in December 2013.
The Defence Accident Investigation Branch (DAIB) provides defence with an accident and incident investigation capability independent of the single services and the defence safety regulators.
Accelerating UK Defence’s ability to harness the game-changing power of AI.
DAO provides vocational qualifications to armed forces personnel (regular and reserve) and to Ministry of Defence civil servants.
The DCS Vision is that we Educate the Child – Support the Family – Defend the Nation.
The Defence Debriefing Team is an organisation that works for the Ministry of Defence to collect information which may help inform foreign travel, risks and concerns.
A part of Strategic Command, Defence Digital has an important role within the Ministry of Defence (MOD) in the age of information warfare.
The Foundry is an alliance of teams which provides digital services to help people in Defence get things done.
The Defence Environmental Protection Regulator was formed in April 2022 and is responsible for third-party assurance, regulation and enforcement of environmental protection across Defence.
DESA is the sole authority within the Ministry of Defence (MOD) for the sale of surplus military equipment and inventory from the UK armed forces.
We provide fire safety and fire fighting capability during peace and conflict to protect MOD personnel and assets.
The Defence Fire Safety Regulator has a statutory duty to enforce The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and allied legislation as applied to Scotland and Northern Ireland on the Defence Estate.
Following the launch of Strategic Command's Integration Design Authority on 1 July 2024, the Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC) has evolved into a new organisation – Defence Futures.
Part of Strategic Command, Defence Intelligence (DI) empowers decision makers in the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and UK government by providing intelligence products and assessments.
DLSR sets regulation and assures safety and environmental protection in the Land Domain to enhance operational capability.
DMR is responsible for the regulation of Health, Safety and Environmental Protection (HS&EP) in the Defence Maritime Domain.
DMS is a group of military medical healthcare services that cares for armed forces personnel, ensuring that they are fit to fight and can fight back to fitness.
The DMSR is an independent regulator for healthcare across defence.
The Defence Nuclear Safety Regulator is responsible for the regulation of nuclear safety across the Defence Nuclear Enterprise.
Defence Relationship Management (DRM) partners with organisations throughout the UK, helping them understand the value of signing the Armed Forces Covenant and building mutually beneficial partnerships with Defence. It provi…
The Headquarters Defence Safety Policy and Assurance team of the Defence Safety Authority is responsible for assurance of defence policy on Health, Safety and Environmental Protection.
Defence Science and Technology (DST) works under the direction of MOD’s Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA) to maximise the impact of science and technology (S&T) for the defence and security of the UK.
DST sets overall…
DSEC is a group of up to 11 security-cleared individuals who give independent advice to the Ministry of Defence’s Chief Science Advisor (CSA) and senior Defence staff.
The Defence Suppliers Forum (DSF) is the major conduit for strategic MOD-industry communications.
The Defra Antimicrobial Resistance Coordination (DARC) Group coordinates, advises and reviews Defra activities on antimicrobial usage in animals and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in micro-organisms from feedingstuffs, anima…
From April 2018 the advice, guidance and access to capability to recover from a CBRN and major hazmat incident is provided from Defra’s CBRN Emergencies team and the GDS branding ended.
Defra’s strategic partnership with civil society.
The Defra DNA Centre of Excellence (DNA CoE) is a virtual hub bringing together expertise on DNA based tools for monitoring the environment.
The Defra Earth Observation Centre of Excellence (EOCoE) is a virtual hub bringing together Earth Observation expertise. The EOCoE is run by Defra with the secretariat based in the Defra Central Science Division.
Provides independent advice to the Department for Education to maximise the quality of scientific research informing policy development and delivery.
The group advises the Department for Education on their progress on the sustainability and climate change strategy.
An advisory panel which provides independent advice to the Secretary of State for Transport on strategic considerations for the department’s capital portfolio.
The Acceleration Unit’s mission is to speed-up the delivery of transport infrastructure projects and the implementation of policy initiatives and programmes to deliver against the government’s agenda to build back better, gr…
The Devices Expert Advisory Committee (DEAC) replaces the Committee on Safety of Devices and is responsible for providing independent, external expert input and advice on a wide range of aspects relating to medical devices t…
Information about DFID's Digital Advisory Panel including its role and members.
DfT’s College of Experts helps the department access external scientific expertise and guidance to make sure our work is of the highest standard.
DfT's Science Advisory Council supports the department on science and technology issues to make sure our work is of the highest standard.
Information about the DfT Transport Sector Transparency Board including its role and minutes.
The Oversight Committee provides an independent view of how the DMPS is operating and the applicant experience.
The Digital Advisory Board (DAB) provided independent advice to the Government Digital and Data function. The board retired in July 2024 following the General Election.
The Public Service Delivery Review Board reviews proposed data sharing objectives to improve and target public services.
The Digital Economy Council brings government and the tech community together to implement the UK Digital Strategy.
The Digital Economy Council is a non-statutory advisory committee of independent members set up to provide advice to the government. Its purpose is to harness the expertise of industry and the wider tech community to develop…
The group, is the forum through which regional digital infrastructure leads will provide recommendations to the government on how it can support their digital connectivity ambitions and support adoption at a local level.
The Digital Skills Council (DiSC) is an external advisory body within the Department for Science, Innovation, and Technology (DSIT). Its purpose is to provide expert advice, catalyse action, and foster collaboration to addre…
Digital Skills for Defence is a change programme to transform digital skills across the Ministry of Defence leadership, digital professionals and whole workforce.
The Regional Stakeholder Network (RSN) helps to ensure disabled people's views and voices across the regions of England are at the heart of what this government does.
An HMRC-sponsored forum, the Disabled Customers Consultation Group (DCCG) was set up in January 2008 to help HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to understand the needs of disabled customers and to improve the services provided.
The Committee is intended to represent the interests of students with a range of disabilities that are supported by DSA to ensure the new commercial model meets the needs of students.
The Disabled Students Stakeholders Group (DSSG) advises and supports the provision of specialist support to disabled students.
The group comprises experts from academia, trade bodies, public sectors, and veterans from the distributed energy industry, as well as analysts and policy experts from across the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DE…
The Department for International Trade (DIT) Strategic Relations Team have a coordination role across government to encourage better communication between the various departments in government and businesses.
The terms of reference and membership for a new drug driving expert panel.
This is a forum for DWP and local authorities to discuss operational issues relating to Housing Benefit.
This is a forum for DWP and local authorities to discuss fraud and error and compliance issues relating to Housing Benefit.
This was a forum for DWP and local authorities to discuss strategic issues relating to Housing Benefit and local authority funding.
A forum for the UK Government and Welsh Government to discuss employment, disability, social security, child maintenance and pensions issues.
This is a forum for DWP and local authorities to discuss strategic issues relating to Housing Benefit and local authority funding.
The DWP Methods Advisory Group supports DWP's Chief Scientific Adviser in providing the department with the latest expert advice.
An open data group that supports the work of the Welfare Sector Transparency Board.
The DWP Serious Case Panel makes recommendations to address systemic issues identified from serious cases to prevent similar cases occurring in the future.
The E-infrastructure Leadership Council (ELC) advised government on all aspects of e-infrastructure including networks, data stores, computers, software and skills.
The Task Force advised on opportunities for UK business from expanding green goods, services, products, investment vehicles and markets which value and protect ecosystem services.
edoc was a system designed to help you record what happens to the waste you produce or handle.
The group co-ordinates efforts to boost UK education exports and sets the strategic direction for the Department for Business and Trade’s (DBT) education team.
The EFA and SFA Advisory Group closed in April 2017. The group has been replaced by the ESFA management board which has non-executive (external) membership.
The Elective Recovery Taskforce was set up to inform the Department of Health and Social Care’s work to better utilise healthcare capacity across the country to tackle the backlog caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government are forming a stakeholder Working Group to inform the content of our consultation on electrical safety in the social rented homes sector.
Three expert groups to test and improve policy proposals, comprised of industry experts and DECC policy team members.
Contracts for Difference (CfDs) will stimulate investment in low-carbon technologies by providing predictable revenue streams and thereby reducing risks to investors and making it easier and cheaper to secure finance.
Collaborative Development is a phase of EMR in which industry will work closely with DECC and delivery partners on developing the detailed design of EMR systems and processes for implementation.
This will involve a series…
This is 1 of 3 expert groups that test and improve policy proposals. They comprise industry experts and DECC policy team members.
Three expert groups to test and improve policy proposals, comprised of industry experts and DECC policy team members.
The Electricity Market Reform Contact Group supports the development of DECC policies on electricity market reform (EMR).
Provides advice on the design of the Offtaker of Last Resort (OLR) proposal, to ensure that it is workable and supported by industry.
The Electricity Networks Strategy Group (ENSG) was a high level forum which brought together key stakeholders in electricity networks that work together to support government in meeting the long-term energy challenges of tac…
An advisory body on emerging healthcare scientific developments and their ethical, legal, social and economic implications.
Oversaw work to implement the recommendations from the Nuttal review on employee ownership.
The Employment and Payroll Group is HMRC’s principal forum for HMRC, and other government departments, to engage with the employment and payroll community.
This group no longer exists. The Employment Consultation Forum has been replaced by the Employment and Payroll Group with effect from December 2014.
The Independent Review of Employment Practices in the Modern Economy was commissioned by the Prime Minister on 1 October 2016.
HMRC works with the forum to improve the way in which the off-payroll working rules and employment status are administered.
An HMRC-sponsored forum, the Employment-Related Securities (ERS) Forum was formed to facilitate an open dialogue between HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and representative bodies on a range of operational, product and process …
The ECO Stakeholder Delivery Group provides information and advice to DECC and Ofgem on the delivery of the ECO obligation.
The ECO Steering Group provides information and advice to DECC on the delivery of the ECO obligation.
The Energy Data Taskforce has developed a set of recommendations for how industry and the public sector can work together to facilitate greater competition, innovation and markets in the energy sector through improving data …
[Withdrawn] The Energy Efficiency Taskforce was established to support a step change in the reduction of energy demand through accelerated delivery of energy efficiency across the economy.
This Board was renamed the Net Zero Innovation Board in December 2020.
The Engineering Biology Advisory Panel is the expert group that will support engineering biology policy work undertaken by DSIT and its collaborating departments.
Network of regulators involved in regulating engineering biology products. The network shares knowledge and best practice for the benefit of the sector.
The Engineering Biology Responsible Innovation Advisory Panel is an expert advisory group of leading academics and industry figures from across the engineering biology, life science and biotech sectors.
The Engineering Biology Steering Group was the expert group that supported engineering biology policy work undertaken by DSIT and its collaborating departments.
The taskforce gives advice and guidance on existing and potential species conservation translocations in England.
EQual was an EU LIFE+ funded programme that supported businesses to reuse and recycle waste materials into new products while protecting human health and the environment.
The review, which has now concluded, advised the government on the health impact of potential ethnic and other biases in medical devices and made recommendations for more equitable solutions. The final report was published o…
The Ethnic Minority Employment Stakeholder Group (EMESG) advises government on actions it might take to make sure ethnic minorities don't face disproportionate barriers to achievement in the labour market.
The European & Global Issues Secretariat (EGIS) is a small unit in the Cabinet Office. The primary role of the Secretariat is to coordinate the collective agreement of the government's international economic and Euro…
The Euston Partnership was established in July 2020 to actively promote and enable closer collaboration and joint working between all partners involved in the Euston programme.
A working group of the Tourism Industry Council, set up to provide a sounding board for the government on the best way to help grow the business events industry across the UK.
The Evidence Advisory Group (EAG) provides independent advice and scrutiny on the design, scope, outputs and overall strategic direction of the Global Centre on Biodiversity for Climate (GCBC).
The Expert Advisory Group on AIDS (EAGA) provides advice to the Chief Medical Officers of the health departments of the United Kingdom on matters relating to HIV/AIDS.
The Expert Advisory Panel includes experts from industry, academia and the transport sector and provides independent advice on the government’s CAVPASS (Connected and Automated Vehicles Process for Assuring Safety and Securi…
The Expert Advisory Panel is to help the Airports Commission to access, interpret and understand evidence relating to the Commission’s work, and to make judgements about its relevance, potential and application.
This committee reports to the Forestry Commissioners via the Forest Research Board.
The Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues in Food (PRiF) provides independent advice to the government on the monitoring of pesticide residues in food.
The Expert Finance Working Group on Small Reactors ('the Group') was set up to advise on how small nuclear reactor projects could raise investment in the UK.
The group provides comprehensive advice to the organics Four Nations Working Group (FNWG).
The Extended Advisory Group on the NHS (Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations advises on regulations which revise the NHS pharmaceutical services regulations 2012 in the light of the new NHS architecture set out in the Health…
The Family Justice Board is the primary forum for setting direction for the family justice system and overseeing performance.
The Family Justice Young People’s Board (FJYPB) is a group of over 40 children and young people aged between 8 and 25 years old, who live across England.
The Farm Animal Genetic Resources Committee (FAnGR) provided advice to Defra and the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on all issues relating to farm animal genetic resources particularly its c…
FAWC advised the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales on the welfare of farmed animals.
The Farming Advice Service (FAS) is a service funded by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) to help farms understand and meet the regulations that apply to their business.
The Research Advisory Group (RAG) provides strategic guidance, rapid insights, and independent challenge to support UK government aims to eradicate global poverty and research and development objectives.
The Financial Reporting Advisory Board promotes the highest possible standards in financial reporting by the government.
We are the Official Service for aquatic animal health in England and Wales, responsible, on behalf of Defra and the Welsh Government (WG), for fish and shellfish health matters.
Our main aim is to prevent the introduction…
The Floods Resilience Taskforce is improving our preparedness for, and resilience to all types of flooding affecting people, homes and businesses.
The Food and Drink Export Council (FDEC) has now come to the end of its initial 18-month term. The council sat seven times from January 2023 to June 2024, bringing UK government, devolved administrations, industry bodies and…
The Food and Drink Sector Council is a formal industry partnership with government.
Helping to protect consumers by addressing food fraud and misleading food labelling activity.
The Food Data Transparency Partnership (FDTP) is a partnership to improve the environmental sustainability and healthiness of food and drink through better food data.
The aim of the review was to advise the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Secretary of State for Health, and also industry on issues which impact upon consumer confidence in the authenticity…
The Forensic Information Databases Service (FINDS) Unit in the Home Office manages national biometric databases on behalf of policing.
The Forensic Information Databases Strategy Board provides governance and oversight over the operation of the National DNA Database (NDNAD) and the National Fingerprint Database (IDENT1).
This board is appointed by the Forestry Commissioners to enable them, as ‘the appropriate forestry authority’ in England, to discharge their duties and exercise their powers set out in the Forestry Act 1967 and other relevan…
This board is appointed by the Forestry Commissioners to enable them, as ‘the appropriate forestry authority’ in England, to discharge their duties and exercise their powers set out in the Forestry Act 1967 and other relevan…
Forestry and Woodlands Advisory Committees (FWACs) advise the Forestry Commission on implementing forestry and related policies in 9 regions.
The ARAC is a non-executive committee of the Forestry Commission, which it supports in issues relating to risk, control, governance and assurance.
The Forestry Commission Delivery Advisory Group (previously Applicants' Focus Group) provides advice to the Forestry Commission and helps shape operational practice.
The Forestry Commission Executive Board’s shared purpose is to champion forests and forestry in England and beyond.
The Forestry Commission is both a government department and a statutory body with a board of Commissioners.
Government and non-government legal experts who advise the Advocate General on the strengths of Scotland's constitutional arrangements.
The Fraud Forum (FF) enables HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to consider and consult with representative bodies on policy and operational issues affecting HMRC's approach to tax fraud.
The Freight Council is a cross-modal freight forum to drive collaboration between government and the freight sector.
The Freight Energy Forum facilitates energy infrastructure to support the freight sector achieve net zero.
The forum brings together disability organisations and government to discuss how disabled people can fulfil their potential.
The Funding Reform and Localism Steering Group (FRLSG) has been established to help the SFA develop a simpler, more locally responsive funding system for adult skills, excluding apprenticeships.
The group is made up of serving college principals and supports the Further Education (FE) Commissioner in improving the quality and financial stability of FE colleges.
The FASS programme helps government to respond effectively to threats against the aviation industry through the use of innovative technology.
The Forum, comprised of retail leaders and industry experts, is working together to support and champion local high streets, sharing best practice and developing new solutions to the challenges faced at the local level acros…
The lead expert group provided advise on the Foresight research project.
The future of cities lead expert group advised on the Foresight research project. The project was completed in May 2016.
Industry and government collaboration on creating and delivering a Future of Flight Plan to maximise the benefits of Future of Flight technologies while ensuring their emergence is safe and secure.
The Future Policy Network (FPN) takes innovative approaches to priority cross-cutting issues. It is comprised of 13 teams from across government who bring specialist areas of expertise, long-term thinking and innovation into…
Policymaking that stands the test of time.
The Government Digital Service (GDS) Advisory Board supported the digital and technology centre for government to transform and deliver quality public services.
An independent advisory panel which approves HMRC’s GAAR guidance, and provides opinions on cases where HMRC considers the GAAR may apply.
The Generation Aviation Group works with the Department for Transport to deliver the Generation Aviation programme.
The Geological Disposal Implementation Board (GDIB) oversees the programme to dispose of geological higher activity radioactive waste.
The Geological Disposal Programme Board (GDPB) clarifies and strengthens governance of the Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) programme.
In February 2021, the Prime Minister asked the Secretary of State for Transport to convene a successor to the Global Travel Taskforce, building on the recommendations set out in November 2020. The taskforce published its rep…
The Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Good Distribution Practice (GDP) Consultative Committee discusses the manufacture and wholesale distribution of medicines.
Government Banking provides a shared banking service across central government and wider public sector customers.
Protecting public services and fighting economic crime.
This cross-government community is for anyone interested in public
service applications of blockchain and wider distributed ledger technologies (DLT).
The Green Deal Oversight and Registration Body (GD ORB) manages the authorisation scheme for Green Deal participants and is responsible for providing administration and oversight of the scheme.
A group of female energy consumers who advise the government on ways to influence public opinion on the Green Deal.
The Green Economy Council brings together business leaders from a cross-section of industries and sectors, including Ford, Centrica and IBM, to advise government on green and green growth policies such as infrastructure, inn…
The purpose of the Green Jobs Delivery Group was to act as the central forum for action on green jobs and skills. It has been stood down and the Office for Clean Energy Jobs will continue that work.
The Green Jobs Taskforce launched in 2020 to set the direction for the job market as we transition to a high-skill, low carbon economy. The taskforce concluded in July 2021.
An independent advisory board of parliamentarians and academics which oversees the GLO Compensation Scheme.
The Growth Programme Board is the Programme Monitoring Committee in England for the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds growth programme. The growth programme comprises the European Regional Development Fund a…
The Growth Programme Board is the Programme Monitoring Committee for both the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund Operational Programmes in England. To support the Board a number of national level…
HMRC has introduced a Guidance Strategy Forum to further improve the effectiveness of its guidance.
The HSAC provides expert, objective advice on the science behind hazardous chemicals.
The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Design and Sustainability Advisory Group helps us to achieve our statutory objectives around improving design and embedding sustainability in development.
The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Equality and Diversity Board Advisory Group helps us to consider equality issues when going about our day to day business.
The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Rural Housing Advisory Group advises us and the government on the provision of affordable rural housing.
The Housing and Communities Agency (HCA) Vulnerable and Older People Advisory Group provides advice and assistance to help us meet the needs of vulnerable and older people’s housing.
HQ SJC(UK) coordinates the Armed Forces’ contribution to UK resilience operations in support of other government departments.
The Headteacher Reference Groups advise on the potential impact of policies on primary and secondary education, including any barriers to implementation. There are 2 groups - the Primary Headteacher Reference Group and the S…
The Health and Social Care Transparency Panel (HSCTP) advises on development of the government’s open data strategy from a health and social care sector perspective.
Health Premium Incentive Advisory Group (HPIAG) will assess the indicators in the Public Health Outcomes Framework for consideration as candidates for the health premium incentive scheme.
The Health Visiting Taskforce supports the government’s plans to develop a new health visiting service across England.
The IPSIS Expert Advisory Group was set up to make recommendations on how the new Independent Patient Safety Investigation Service would work. Following feedback from the group and others, the function’s name was changed to …
Helping UK healthcare providers to do more business overseas by promoting the UK healthcare sector to overseas markets and supporting healthcare partnerships between the UK and overseas healthcare providers.
This page is no longer in use.
The committee advises on the safety and quality of herbal medicines when there's an application for registration, marketing authorisation or product licence.
The Heritage Council will support government in the implementation of heritage policy in England and bring the sector’s issues, challenges and opportunities to the attention of government such as planning, environmental prot…
The purpose of the HEBBS Steering Group is to:
* provide oversight of the HEBSS scheme and to act as a forum for stakeholder liaison and management
* promote the rationale and benefits of the scheme to the higher educati…
The taskforce aims to reduce unnecessary data reporting and collection for higher and further education providers.
The membership, meetings, terms of reference and outputs produced by this taskforce, which builds on best practice and ensures that guidance and key initiatives in student mental health are implemented in full, with clear me…
The HIV Action Plan Implementation Steering Group, chaired by Professor Kevin Fenton, Chief Adviser for HIV, will support and drive forward implementation of the HIV Action Plan and ensure progress in line with the plan'…
HM Land Registry Industry Forum members represent a cross-section of customers and stakeholders within the property market. All members are directly or indirectly involved in the land registration process.
An HMRC-sponsored forum which was directed towards the monitoring of both new UK accounting standards and new IAS and their impact on tax. This forum has closed.
The Chattels Team of HM Revenue and Customs Business, Assets and International Shares and Assets Valuation meet practitioners at the Chattels Valuation Fiscal Forum to exchange views and opinions on technical and practical m…
The Hogg Tendering Advisory Committee for LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) is an independent committee set up to recommend a new administrator for LIBOR. On 9 July 2013, the Hogg Tendering Advisory Committee announced t…
The council's main function is to provide the Home Office’s Chief Scientific Adviser with independent advice on maximising the quality of the science and research that informs strategic delivery and policy development.
An independent advisory board of parliamentarians and academics which oversees compensation related to the Post Office Horizon scandal.
Horizon scanning is about exploring what the future might look like to understand uncertainties better.
The group will work with the Department for Health and Social Care on a “root and branch” review of the food provided in NHS facilities for patients, visitors and staff.
The Hospitality Sector Council is a collaboration between government and the hospitality sector, which aims to co-create solutions and to support the delivery of the hospitality strategy.
The HS2 Growth Taskforce examined how to maximise economic growth and the job opportunities from HS2.
The Human Animal Infections and Risk Surveillance (HAIRS) group was established in 2004. It identifies and assesses emerging infection risks to human health from zoonotic infections, and makes recommendations for risk mitiga…
The Hydrogen Advisory Council is now the Hydrogen Delivery Council - see new link below.
The Hydrogen Delivery Council (formerly Hydrogen Advisory Council) will inform and advance the development of hydrogen as a strategic decarbonised energy carrier for the UK. The Council is the primary forum for Department …
The H2PMT is a joint government-industry initiative aimed at setting out an ambitious industrial policy for the UK manufacturing of hydrogen propulsion systems across transport modes.
The Community Representation Working Group (CRWG) has been convened to help develop practical processes for how community representation, the test of public support, and community investment will operate throughout the sitin…
The group will work to improve outcomes for children who are in complex situations and are currently, or at risk of, being deprived of their liberty, by ensuring that there is an aligned cross-government approach to commissi…
The Independent Advisory Panel on Non-Compliance Management (IAPNCM) works with the National Offender Management Service (NOMS) to produce a specialist training package for detainee custody officers who escort adults being r…
The Independent Archive Advisory Group (IAAG) supports the rationalisation of the Defra Tissue Archive for Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE), held at the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).
A UK corporate re-domiciliation regime makes it possible for companies to move their place of incorporation to the UK and therefore make it easier to relocate to the UK. This will strengthen the UK’s position as a global bus…
The Independent Panel on High Risk Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGP) is a UK-wide, independent, non-executive expert advisory panel that provides practical and scientific advice to the Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) for Eng…
The Panel advised government on the future direction of forestry and woodland policy in England, and on the role of the Forestry Commission in implementing it. The Panel published its Final Report on 4 July 2012 and has now …
The IRRP helps assess the safety of the use of restraint in secure training centres and young offenders institutions.
The IRRP helps assess the safety of the use of restraint in secure training centres and young offenders institutions.
The Independent Review of Administrative Law (IRAL) was launched in July 2020 to consider options for reform to the process of Judicial Review. The Independent Panel submitted their Report to the Lord Chancellor and the Chan…
Independent review of the needs, experiences and outcomes of the children supported by social care.
The Independent Review of Criminal Legal Aid will look at ensuring the long-term sustainability of the criminal legal aid system. The review is chaired by Sir Christopher Bellamy QC, who will put forward his conclusions and …
The government is committed to ensuring that the system for testing construction products is effective and inspires public and market confidence.
The review has now concluded.
The Independent Review Panel can look at challenges to certain personnel licensing and certification decisions made by the Civil Aviation Authority.
The Independent Scientific Advisory Committee for MHRA database research (ISAC) is a non-statutory expert advisory body, established in 2006 to give advice on research-related requests to access data from the Clinical Practi…
SPI-B provides social and behavioural science advice.
The Independent Trust Financing Facility (ITFF) is no longer accepting new applications.
This forum is HMRC’s main engagement and consultation forum for the voluntary and community sector and other organisations representing the diverse needs of our individual customers.
The Industrial Strategy Council provided an impartial and expert evaluation of the UK government’s progress in delivering the aims of the 2017 Industrial Strategy and its impact on the economy.
Provides best practice guidelines for the electronic execution of documents, with a view to improving standards, reliability and security.
The board assesses the impact that changes to government policy will have on schools' information management systems.
IE:UK brings together companies of all sizes as one ‘Team UK’ consortia to bid for global infrastructure contracts and deliver complex projects by combining their expertise across all levels of the supply chain. The UK leads…
The Innovation Expert Group provided advice on how to drive up the UK’s productivity through innovation.
The Insolvency Service criminal enforcement team works to deter fraud in companies and by bankrupts, by prosecuting breaches of Insolvency and Company Law.
The Insolvency Service’s Legal Services Directorate (LSD) provides a wide range of legal, operational and policy advice. It conducts both civil and criminal proceedings to restrict those who have acted improperly during the …
The Inspection Action Groups (IAG) are non-statutory, multi-disciplinary groups which advise the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) director of inspection, enforcement and standards on recommendatio…
To investigate the causes of fraudulent behaviour and recommend solutions to reduce the level of insurance fraud in order to ultimately lower costs and protect the interests of honest consumers.
The Intelligence and Security Committee was established by the Intelligence Service Act 1994. It is formed of 9 Parliamentarians drawn from both the House of Lords and the House of Commons, and appointed by the Prime Ministe…
The Interim Devices Working Group replaces the Devices Expert Advisory Committee (DEAC) and is responsible for providing independent, external expert input and advice on a wide range of aspects relating to medical devices to…
The International Best Practice Advisory Group (IBPAG) provides expert input and challenge to analysis on international responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
ICPEN is an informal global network of more than 70 consumer protection authorities. The UK is represented by the Competition and Markets Authority.
The International Data Transfers Expert Council has been convened to provide independent perspectives and advice on government international data transfers policy.
Information about the DFID International Development Sector Transparency Panel (STP) including its role and minutes.
The Issues Overview Group is a joint forum of HM Revenue and Customs and professional bodies that progresses important operational issues or problems raised on the online Agent Forum, or otherwise identified by HMRC or profe…
The Jet Zero Council (JZC) is a partnership between industry, academia and government to bring together ministers and chief executive officer-level stakeholders, with the aim of delivering at least 10% sustainable aviation f…
The Jet Zero Taskforce will provide strategic leadership and take an outcome-focussed, whole systems approach to support innovation, economic growth and the decarbonisation of the UK aviation sector.
The innovation centre for UK Joint Forces Command seeking new innovation and technology to enhance and improve the operation of the UK armed forces.
The Joint Biosecurity Centre (JBC) provided evidence-based, objective analysis to inform local and national decision-making in response to COVID-19 outbreaks.
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) is an expert scientific advisory committee which advises the UK government on vaccination and immunisation matters.
An HMRC-sponsored forum which was established in 1969 to exchange views on and discuss proposed changes to customs procedures and documentation relating to the entry and clearance of goods. It gives the opportunity for HM Re…
We need your talent within the Joint Cyber Reserve Force.
The Joint Data and Analysis Centre (JDAC) in the Cabinet Office is dedicated to ensuring that government decisions are informed by the best available data and strategic analysis, drawn from across government, industry, inter…
The Joint Doctrine team is responsible for NATO and UK strategic and operational doctrine.
The joint forum is a partnership between HMRC, employers and professional and payroll advisers to improve liaison between HMRC and its customers and the operation of the tax and National Insurance contributions (NICs) system…
The Joint Fraud Taskforce was set up by the Home Secretary in February 2016.
Members of the Committee are to bring to the attention of their ministers and departments, as appropriate, assessments that appear to require operational, planning or policy action. The Chairman is specifically charged with …
The Joint Intelligence Organisation leads on intelligence assessment and development of the UK intelligence community’s analytical capability, supporting the work of the Joint Intelligence Committee and National Security Cou…
The Joint Maritime Security Centre (JMSC) is the UK government’s centre of excellence for maritime security. Its mission is to increase awareness and understanding of maritime security threats and enable cross-government coo…
The Joint Security and Resilience Centre (JSaRC) has been established to help the government and UK security sector suppliers work more closely – making it quicker and simpler to bring customers and solutions together.
An HMRC-sponsored group, the Joint Tax Agent Strategy Steering Group (JTASSG) was a forum through which the tax agent community could steer the development of HMRC's Agent Strategy and the associated change programme ove…
The Joint Unit for Waste Crime (JUWC) is a multi-agency taskforce. It works in partnership to tackle serious and organised crime in the UK waste industry.
An HMRC-sponsored forum to exchange views between HMRC and representative organisations relating to the procedures and operations of VAT, and to consider and discuss VAT issues arising from member organisations with the aim …
The Judicial Pension Board (JPB) is responsible for helping the Lord Chancellor to manage and govern the Judicial Pension Schemes (JPS).
The Justification Coordination Committee (JCC) helps co-ordinate views on the regulatory justification process of the devolved administrations, the statutory consultees and other experts.
King's Harbour Master Clyde.
King’s Harbour Master (KHM) East Cove Port, Falkland Islands.
King’s Harbour Master (KHM) Gibraltar is the authority of the Naval Dockyard Port of Gibraltar and admiralty waters which lie within British Gibraltar Territorial Waters.
King's Harbour Master Plymouth.
King's Harbour Master Portsmouth.
The Labour Market Advisory Board brings together external expertise on the labour market to design policies, strategies and advise the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.
The Law Enforcement Facial Images and New Biometrics Oversight and Advisory Board oversaw the police use of automated facial recognition (AFR), live facial recognition (LFR) custody images and new biometrics.
The last me…
Lead Ministers for Disability represent the interests of disabled people, and champion disability inclusion and accessibility across each government department, as they drive forward progress on the government’s manifesto co…
Learning Records Service Customer Scrutiny Group provides advice on Learning Records Service business priorities, monitors performance against service levels and acts as a point of escalation on issues such as data managemen…
Awarding organisations are working with the Learning Records Service to prepare for uploading publicly funded qualification data to the Personal Learning Record (PLR).
The PLR Implementation Group was established to mon…
The Legal Support Advisory Group exists to advise and assist the Ministry of Justice in its aim to support legal policy.
The Legal Support Strategy Delivery Group exists to identify and deliver opportunities to improve the legal support system.
The Levelling Up Advisory Council was an expert body that provided the government with independent research and advice to inform the design and delivery of levelling up policy.
Implementing the Independent Library Report for England, providing leadership and helping to reinvigorate the public library service.
The Secretary of State for the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has convened the owners of the local government governance and accountability framework to form the Local Authority Governance and …
The Secretary of State for the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has convened the owners of the local government governance and accountability framework to form the Local Authority Governance and …
Thirty-eight Local Enterprise Partnership areas support the delivery of the 2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI) Funds Growth Programme in England.
The Local Net Zero Forum brings together national and local government on a regular basis to discuss policy and delivery options on net zero.
The steering group provides input to the strategy for exit from the NHS Local Service Provider contracts.
Documents from the last meetings of the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP) area European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) sub-committees and Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) board.
This multi-agency partnership, hosted by the UK Health Security Agency, seeks to ensure joined-up action on air pollution across the health and care sector.
The London Transition Board was established in July 2020 to help co-ordinate London’s transition from COVID-19 response to recovery. Ahead of the end of the government roadmap on 19 July 2021, the eleventh and final meeting…
The MIEU works to avoid unnecessary costs and delays to developers of nationally significant infrastructure projects.
The Major Projects Authority (MPA) works with HM Treasury and other government departments to provide independent assurance on major projects. It also supports colleagues across departments to build skills and improve the wa…
The Marine Energy Programme Board (MEPB) makes recommendations to the government on priorities for the Marine Energy Programme.
A now dissolved committee which looked at issues of UK marine science and the implementation of the UK Marine Science Strategy.
The Maritime Council is a forum to drive collaboration between government and the maritime sector to meet future challenges and opportunities.
The maritime growth study is supported by an advisory group which will help examine how to maintain and enhance the UK’s position as a leading maritime centre.
The group will provide advice to the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Education on how to implement the mission for all young people to study maths to age 18.
The Maximising Energy Efficiency Forum, a Green Deal advisory forum, promotes energy efficiency improvements across different building tenures.
A steering board has been established to govern and oversee the work of the Media Literacy Taskforce, which will take a coordinated approach to tackling challenges in the media literacy sector, extending the reach of media l…
Monitor’s Medical Advisory Group advises our board on its strategy for improving the quality of care provided by NHS foundation trusts.
The Medicines and Devices Advertising Liaison Group (MALG) brings together regulatory and self-regulatory bodies involved in medicines advertising.
The Medicines Industry Liaison Group (MLG) provides a forum for engagement, discussion, and constructive challenge between the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency and the medicines industry to support the Age…
Officials in the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) hold roundtables 3 times a year with representatives from Sikh umbrella organisations and academics.
These meetings provide the opportunity t…
The MHRA Innovation Office is open to ideas for innovative medicines, medical devices and manufacturing processes. It provides free and confidential expert regulatory information, advice and guidance to organisations of all …
This was an HMRC-sponsored forum intended to foster a stronger relationship and greater understanding between HM Revenue and Customs and mid-tier agents dealing with taxpayers with complex affairs. It closed in 2018.
The Ministerial Advisory Group brings together individuals and organisations with a specific interest in the cross government mental health strategy 'No Health Without Mental Health' and how it is delivered.
The Ministerial Board on Deaths in Custody aims to bring about a continuing and sustained reduction in the number and rate of deaths in all forms of state custody in England and Wales.
The Ministerial Industry Strategy Group (MISG) brings together government and the bio-pharmaceutical industry. The purpose of the group is to jointly consider how to promote a strong and profitable UK-based bio-pharmaceutica…
We oversee the work of the Marine Science Co-ordination Committee (MSCC) and report on how the MSCC is carrying out the UK Marine Science Strategy.
The MMTSG brings together government and the medical technologies and diagnostics industry to promote a strong and profitable UK based medical technologies and diagnostics sector.
The DNACPR Ministerial Oversight Group (MOG) oversees the delivery and required changes of the recommendations set out in the Care Quality Commission's report Protect, Respect and Connect – decisions about living and dyi…
Terms of reference, membership and meeting minutes of the MOD’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ethics Advisory Panel (EAP).
The Ministry of Defence Research Ethics Committee (MODREC) ensures that all research involving human participants either undertaken, funded or sponsored by MOD meets nationally and internationally accepted ethical standards.
Section 1(5) of the Ministry of Defence Police Act (1987) requires the Secretary of State to appoint a Police Committee to advise him on matters concerning the Ministry of Defence Police (MDP), and to provide scrutiny and as…
Information about the Ministry of Defence Safeguarding Partnership Board and who you can contact about safeguarding in Defence.
A group of experts in history, history teaching and curriculum design who are advising the Department for Education in developing a model history curriculum.
An HMRC-sponsored forum to work collaboratively with stakeholders to explore potential options for redesign and modernisation of the Stamp Taxes on Shares (STS) Framework. This forum has closed.
The government is working with Ofgem, Innovate UK and other industry stakeholders to implement the vision of the Energy Data Taskforce through the Modernising Energy Data programme.
The Clinical Advisory Forum will provide expert advice to Monitor’s Patient and Clinical Engagement team.
The Moral and Ethical Advisory Group (MEAG) provided independent advice to the UK government on moral, ethical and faith considerations on health and social care related issues.
The forum is intended to be the primary regular channel to contribute to government thinking on priorities and performance of roads.
The group advises the Department for Education (DfE) on the content and delivery of the new multi-academy trust leadership development programme.
The taskforce engages with, challenges and promotes the policy development work of government in supporting the creation and development of Public Service Mutuals.
The Naming and Approvals Committee (NAC) manages requests for government domain names.
The Nanotechnology Strategy Forum (NSF) promotes discussion between government and key stakeholders in order to support the development of nanotechnology industries in the UK.
The National Clinical Audit Advisory Group (NCAAG) provides policy and strategic advice to the Department of Health on clinical audit.
NCGI is the national lead for Geospatial Intelligence and defence lead for Open Source Intelligence.
This committee had functions delegated to it until the completion of devolution of the Forestry Commission in March 2019. As it does not now have any functions delegated to it, it does not meet.
The National Committee for the Safety of Journalists brings together representatives from government, journalism, policing, prosecution services and civil society to work in collaboration to make sure journalists in the UK a…
The National Genomics Board brings together senior decision makers across the sector, including key civil servants, delivery partners, patient advocates and representatives from research organisations and industry.
A group who defined a revised set of standards for headteachers in England.
The National Inclusion Health Board plays a critical role in leading the Inclusion Health programme by providing expertise, focus and momentum to the agenda, and champions the needs of those most vulnerable to poor health ou…
The Board works to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for people with learning disabilities and their families.
The group will help the government to implement an integrated multi-agency approach to safeguarding, child protection and family help.
The National Physical Activity Taskforce (NPAT) brings together government departments, the sport sector and independent experts to deliver coordinated and innovative policy that will help encourage people to get active.
The board is made up of experts in music, school music teaching and curriculum design, music education beyond schools, music charities and the music industry.
The National Policing Board ensures all parts of the policing system work together to deliver the best possible outcomes for the public.
The National Positioning, Navigation and Timing Office works to improve resilience and drive growth with responsibility for Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) policy, coordination and delivery.
A formal review of the existing national professional qualification (NPQ) suite.
The National Quality Board (NQB) was established to deliver high quality care for patients throughout the NHS and at the interface of health and social care.
This group was established in 2022 to provide governance and oversight of the epidemiology work proposed using data from the study.
The National Security Council (NSC) is the main forum for collective discussion of the government’s objectives for national security and about how best to deliver them in the current financial climate.
The board will work with the Department for Education and the Department of Health and Social Care on the actions in the SEND and AP improvement plan.
The National Shipbuilding Office (NSO) drives transformative change to empower a globally successful, innovative and sustainable shipbuilding enterprise that works for all parts of the UK. The NSO oversees all of the Governm…
NSCWIP is the UK’s primary independent group that offers advice to the Cabinet Office on best practice for warning and informing the public during an emergency or major incident. It is made up of professionals, practitioners…
The NSGVH is a UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) supported expert group whose aim is to provide strategic direction and advice around viral hepatitis in England.
The National Vaccine Evaluation Consortium (NVEC) conducted a large number of clinical trials over several decades, ceasing existence at the end of 2018. Details of these trials can be found in the 'past studies' sec…
The Natural Capital Committee advised the government on natural capital, such as ecosystems, soils, freshwaters, and oceans.
The Net Zero Buildings Council (NZBC) is a dynamic partnership between the government, industry and third sector which focuses on the delivery and implementation of key objectives within the Heat and Buildings and Net Zero S…
This is a partnership between government, business and civil society, providing strategic leadership to support delivery of the government’s Clean Energy Superpower Mission.
The Net Zero Innovation Board provides strategic oversight of government funding of net zero innovation programmes.
The Net Zero Transport Board (NZTB) is an external advisory board. It provides independent, objective and impartial advice on transport decarbonisation to the Department for Transport (DFT).
The group provides advice and recommendations on how to best meet the needs of neurodivergent children and young people within mainstream education settings.
The New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG) advises the government on the threat posed by new and emerging respiratory viruses.
The NHS Pension Board provides scrutiny and assurance of the administration of the NHS Pension Scheme.
The NHS Savile Legacy Unit is an independent unit established to ensure the quality and consistency of any further investigations by NHS trusts into new allegations of abuse or risk of abuse by Jimmy Savile’s activity on NHS…
In June 2021, the group brought together 100 people from different backgrounds to consider issues that people in England experienced as the country faced the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
NS&I Government Payment Services offers modern, secure and highly competitive banking and payment services across the public sector.
The Nuclear Development Forum (NDF), comprising of government and nuclear industry stakeholders, advised government on building investment in new nuclear power.
Brings government together with key strategic skills bodies and organisations interested in nuclear skills sharing across the industry.
The Nuclear Industry Council (NIC) is a joint forum between the nuclear industry and government and its primary role is to provide strategic leadership to the nuclear industry.
Organises stakeholder meetings with NGOs, government and nuclear regulatory stakeholders to address issues of NGOs regarding new build nuclear reactors and nuclear waste management.
The Nutrient Management Expert Group is advising Defra on how to minimise pollution from the use, manufacture, storage and distribution of nutrients intended for crops.
The Obesity Review Group has closed. The group brought together a range of experts and partners to take stock of progress in meeting the national ambitions and to consider what more needs to be done.
The Occupational Pensions Stewardship Council promotes and facilitate high standards of stewardship of pensions assets.
Government is working with the off grid industry towards phasing out installation of high carbon fossil fuel heating in buildings off the gas grid in the 2020s.
The Office for Science and Technology Strategy (OSTS) was responsible for informing and delivering the vision of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC).
OUGO sits within the Department of Energy and Climate Change’s Energy Development Unit. The Unit is responsible for encouraging and overseeing energy development in the UK, including licensing oil and gas exploration and pro…
Provides advice to facilitate the offshore energy SEA process, to promote stakeholder involvement and to achieve timely preparation of quality documents to inform leasing/licensing decisions
This review looked into the way that the offshore transmission network is designed and delivered. It concluded in May 2023, and the organisations involved, including the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, are now i…
The Offshore Wind Cost Reduction Task Force is chaired by Andrew Jamieson, Chair of RenewableUK, and involves industry, government and the Crown Estate. It recommends areas to be targeted by industry and government for poten…
The Offshore Wind Investment Organisation works with overseas investors to increase investment in the UK’s offshore wind supply chain. We also help companies export from the UK.
A quarterly forum to discuss direct tax operational and policy issues relating to the oil industry.
Government appointed an independent Older People’s Housing Taskforce to look at options for the provision of greater choice, quality and security of housing for older people.
Committee providing oversight of the delivery of the Olympic and Paralympic Legacy.
The One Login Inclusion and Privacy Advisory Group (OLIPAG) advised the Government Digital Service’s GOV.UK One Login programme on inclusion, privacy, data usage, equality and digital identity.
The Online Advertising Taskforce brings together representatives from government and the online advertising sector to work in collaboration to address illegal harms and the protection of children in relation to online advert…
Radically increasing onshore wind deployment by 2030 to help Britain become a clean energy superpower is one of government’s core missions. The Onshore Wind Industry Taskforce has been established to identify and then delive…
The Open Data User Group (ODUG) operated between 2012 and 2015. It gathered views of open data users/re-users to influence data releases for free through government’s Public Sector Transparency Board.
The Open Standards Board works with the Cabinet Office and is accountable for transparent selection and implementation of open standards.
The Open Standards Panel oversees the process to select open standards for software interoperability, data and document formats.
The Outcomes Framework Technical Advisory Group (OFTAG) provides independent expert advice on the development of the NHS Outcomes Framework, including developing a methodology for measuring progress and considering priority …
Expert panel established to advise on creating well-designed, sustainable and vibrant places in the Arc.
The role of the panel is to answer questions raised by NHS foundation trust governors.
The Panel of Technical Experts (PTE) is an advisory group of independent consultants who were appointed by government to perform a specific and technical function as part of the first Electricity Market Reform delivery plan …
PAW is a collaboration of organisations who work together to reduce wildlife crime. They do this through prevention and awareness-raising, better regulation, and effective and targeted enforcement.
The delivery of Payment by Results policy and stakeholder engagement is managed through a number of advisory groups.
This Panel now ceases to exist.
An HMRC-sponsored forum, the Pensions Industry Stakeholder Forum has been set up to help HM Revenue and Customs better manage its relationship with pension industry stakeholders and representative bodies. The forum is the ma…
PCGN advises the British government on policies and procedures for the proper writing of geographical names for places and features outside the UK.
Part of Strategic Command, PJHQ is based in Northwood and commands joint and multinational military operations on behalf of the Ministry of Defence.
The Personal Learning Record Implementation Group monitors implementation activity for the Personal Learning Record including the management of risks and operational support.
The Pharmacy and Public Health Forum provides leadership for the development, implementation and evaluation of public health practice for pharmacy in the government’s drive to improve the public’s health.
PILOT (formerly the Oil and Gas Taskforce) facilitated the partnership between the UK oil and gas industry, and government.
The pollinators expert advisory group closed in November 2014.
The Population Health Improvement Stakeholder Advisory Group provides advice to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) on the best future arrangements for prevention and health improvement. This is to ensure we have…
The Precision Breeding Working Group aims to facilitate routes to market for precision bred plant products.
The review was set up to consider whether the law should be changed to allow registration of pregnancy losses that take place before gestation of 24 weeks.
The Prescribed Specialised Services Advisory Group (PSSAG) advises ministers on whether certain services, for people with rare and very rare conditions, are specialised and should be prescribed as specialised services in reg…
To support the development and delivery of the national payment system, Monitor and NHS England run 2 Pricing Advisory Groups.
The Business Ambassadors were business leaders who worked with the government to promote the UK’s excellence internationally, including highlighting trade and investment opportunities for UK businesses, and working to help s…
The Privacy and Consumer Advisory Group (PCAG) advises the government on how to provide users with a simple, trusted and secure means of accessing public services.
The Privacy and Inclusion Advisory Forum (PIAF) advises the Government Digital Service (GDS) on privacy and inclusion matters related to the development of the new cross-government single sign on and digital identity assuran…
The Professor Sir Norman Williams Review was set up to conduct a rapid policy review into the issues relating to gross negligence manslaughter in healthcare.
The Projections Advisory Group (PAG) is a team of experts, brought together to consider matters relating to energy modelling and updated energy projections.
The Public Data Group (PDG) will no longer meet and its functions have been integrated into a new Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) board. The Public Data Group (PDG) brought together 4 organisations (Compa…
The overarching objectives for the Geospatial Commission are to drive economic value from better geospatial data. Geospatial data supports the public sector to make evidence based decisions and improve the delivery of servic…
The overarching objectives for the Geospatial Commission are to drive economic value from better geospatial data. Geospatial data supports the public sector to make evidence based decisions and improve the delivery of servic…
The role of the Public Sector Transparency Board became part of the Data Steering Group in November 2015.
The PSN is the government’s high-performance network, which helps public sector organisations work together, reduce duplication and share resources.
The Qualifications Advisory Group (QAG) is made up of representatives and stakeholders from the further education sector and employers. The group gives advice to the Advisory Board on qualification matters. The group has ex…
Provides advice to the Department of Health, on behalf of the National Quality Board, about strategic priorities for quality information in healthcare, quality information issues where action is required at national level an…
The role of this Group is to coordinate the implementation of the Research and Development (R&D) People and Culture Strategy.
The role of this Steering Group was to oversee the development of the Research and Development (R&D) People and Culture Strategy.
The role of the R&D Place Advisory Group is to advise and support Ministers on the opportunities and challenges in developing an ambitious research and development (R&D) place strategy, and the measures that work eff…
The Race Equality Engagement Group is partnering with ethnic minority communities and others to help shape the government's work promoting race equality.
The Rail Franchise Advisory Panel supports the department's rail franchising programme.
The Rapid Review Panel (RRP) assesses innovative infection prevention and control products, equipment and materials for potential use in the NHS.
The Rebalancing Medicines Legislation and Pharmacy Regulation Programme Board reviews pharmacy legislation and regulation.
This group is responsible for advising ministers and officials on reducing reoffending.
The Regenerative Medicine Expert Group (RMEG) is an expert group formed for the development and delivery of Regenerative Medicines to the NHS.
The Regulation Directorate leads the regulatory reform agenda across government.
The working group is tasked with advising government on a new regulatory framework for property agents.
The Regulatory Horizons Council (RHC) is an independent expert committee that identifies the implications of technological innovation, and provides government with impartial, expert advice on the regulatory reform required t…
An independent expert panel to advise the Education Secretary on age appropriateness within relationships, sex and health education (RSHE).
A group that provides advice on issues related to the operation and implementation of the RTFO order.
The Representative Body Steering Group is an important forum that engages with professional bodies, intermediaries, software developers and senior HMRC managers. It helps advise on strategic decisions about HMRC’s performanc…
An HMRC-sponsored forum, the Research and Development Communication Forum meets twice a year to discuss the operational delivery of the Research and Development (R&D) tax relief schemes.
We provide advice to research institutions on the national security risks linked to international research.
Advises government on how to increase access to research data.
The Resources and Waste Targets Expert Group provides independent technical advice to inform the development of legally binding resource efficiency and waste reduction targets for England.
The Retail Energy Efficiency Taskforce is a Government–Industry body set up to explore the barriers to greater energy efficiency and to help spread best practice of leaders in energy efficiency to other retailers in the sect…
The review will explore the role that local authorities could play in increasing the supply of housing.
This steering group led a review of the public sector equality duty to establish whether the duty was operating as intended.
The purpose of this committee was to assess existing arrangements for ensuring the quality and safety of cosmetic interventions.The committee's work has concluded. It published its final report in April 2013 that sets ou…
Seeking practical measures to improve the resilience of our transport network to severe weather events in the short term, whilst giving due consideration to longer term resilience of the nation’s transport infrastructure.
The Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art and Objects of Cultural Interest (RCEWA) advises DCMS Ministers on whether cultural objects that people wish to export are national treasures.
The Royal Navy’s procurement activities are conducted by the commercial function, which seek to harness expertise and innovation to deliver a vast range of equipment, services and technology to facilitate in protecting our n…
SACN advises on nutrition and related health matters. It advises the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) and other UK government organisations.
This page contains the terms of reference (TOR) and membership for the Scientific Advisory Group for Antibody Testing.
The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) provides scientific and technical advice to support government decision makers during emergencies.
The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) provides scientific and technical advice to support government decision makers during emergencies.
Information about and opinions from the Scientific Advisory Group on Chemical Safety of Non-Food and Non-Medicinal Consumer Products (SAG-CS).
The Scientific Pandemic Infections group on Modelling (SPI-M) is an advisory group of DHSC that provides expert advice based on infectious disease modelling and epidemiology.
SPI-M-O is a sub-group of SAGE that gives expert advice to the UK government on COVID-19 based on infectious disease modelling and epidemiology.
The Scottish Income Tax Board is a joint enterprise between the Scottish Government and HMRC to oversee the administration of Scottish Income Tax.
An advisory panel working with DVLA to provide expert advice, with the aim of improving road safety.
An advisory panel working together with the DVLA providing expert advice with the aim of improving road safety.
An advisory panel working together with the DVLA providing expert advice with the aim of improving road safety.
An advisory panel working together with the DVLA providing expert advice with the aim of improving road safety.
An advisory panel working together with the DVLA providing expert advice with the aim of improving road safety.
An advisory panel working together with the DVLA providing expert advice with the aim of improving road safety.
We help make the UK a global leader in security and resilience technology by making it easier for partnerships between industry, academia and users to quickly develop and demonstrate innovative solutions.
Information about Semiconductor Advisory Panel including its role and members.
Expert group advising the Department for Education on improvements to mainstream education for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
The SEND Review Steering Group has now closed.
The national panel of independent experts on serious case reviews advises local safeguarding children boards about conducting and publishing serious case reviews.
The Sexual Health Forum provide advice to the Department of Health on matters relating to sexual health and HIV.
The SERG is currently inactive due to the moratorium on shale gas development.
The forum provides for an open dialogue between HMRC and representative bodies on a range of policy, operational and process issues relating to tax and employment-related securities (ERS). It allows for collaboration between…
The Shared Ownership Taskforce included representatives from the renewables industry and the community energy sector. They developed a voluntary approach to increasing shared ownership of new, commercial onshore renewables d…
HM Revenue and Customs Business, Assets and International Shares and Assets Valuation meet practitioners at this forum to discuss matters of mutual interest and concern.
Information including terms of reference and panel members about Sir Terry Farrell's independent architecture review.
The Skills and Productivity Board is an expert committee providing independent, evidence-based advice to ministers at the Department for Education on matters relating to skills and their contribution to productivity.
The purpose of the smart data working group is to support the development of systems and standards that facilitate smart data innovations. The group aims to spur smart data initiatives on, reduce duplication, and maximise th…
The Solution Design Advisory Group (SDAG) will enable the Smart Metering Implementation Programme to continue to draw upon the experience of industry participants and other stakeholders.
The Smart Systems Forum provides input, assistance and advice to BEIS and Ofgem on the implementation of the Smart Systems Plan and related matters in the development of the electricity system.
The SME Digital Adoption Taskforce is an industry-led group, set up to explore how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can be supported to better adopt digital technology to improve their productivity.
Strengthening the use of social and behavioural science evidence for emergency preparedness and response across government.
The taskforce ensures the delivery of 2 packages of support that the government has put in place for the care sector, the social care action plan and the care home support package.
The Social Impact Investment Taskforce was announced by Prime Minister David Cameron at the G8 Social Impact Investment Forum in June 2013. It aimed to catalyse the development of the social impact investment market.
The Solar Taskforce has been established to drive forward the actions needed to meet the government's ambition to achieve clean power by 2030.
The Space Leadership Council is the forum through which the space sector engages with government and has been a significant contributor to the success of UK space policy since it was first established in 2010.
The Spaceflight Safety and Regulatory Council (SSRC) is a partnership between industry and government bringing together ministers and senior-level stakeholders to ensure the UK’s commercial spaceflight regulations effectivel…
The Specialised and Complex Care Advisory Group will input into the development of proposals for the 2016/17 national tariff and advise on potential improvements to the 2017/18 tariff and beyond.
This Specialised Committee monitors the implementation and functioning of the Air Transport Title in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
The Specialised Committee seeks to oversee matters relating to the aviation safety chapter of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the UK and EU.
This Specialised Committee monitors the implementation and functioning of the Energy Title in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
This Specialised Committee monitors the implementation and functioning of the Intellectual Property Title in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
This specialised committee monitors the implementation and functioning of the road transport titles in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
This Specialised Committee monitors the implementation and functioning of the Protocol on Social Security Coordination in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
The Panel resolves claims from people, or their heirs, who lost possession of cultural property during the Nazi era, which is now held in UK national collections.
A strong and healthy sport economy benefits both sport and society more widely.
The Stakeholder Forum is a strategic forum which enables the higher education (HE) and further education (FE) sectors to engage with the Student Loans Company (SLC) to provide advice, challenge and support with risks and iss…
The forum was set up to provide clarity for customers and their representatives in understanding HMRC’s delivery of Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT). The forum has closed.
The Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) Working Together Stakeholder Group (WTSG) including Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED) is an HMRC-sponsored consultation forum between HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), industry bodies and p…
The Stamp Taxes Shares Working Together Stakeholder Group (WTSG) is an HMRC-sponsored consultation forum between HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), industry bodies and professional bodies representing legal, finance and tax prof…
The Standing Commission on Carers was an independent advisory body providing expert advice to ministers and the Carers Strategy Cross Government Board on progress in delivering the national carers strategy.
The Star Chamber helps the Department for Education to assess data collections for schools and children’s services.
The Statistics User Panel was established to provide feedback on changes and ideas proposed by DECC, whilst also inviting panel members to propose ideas as to how our statistics can be developed.
An HM Revenue and Customs-sponsored forum allowing HM Revenue and Customs, the Department for Work and Pensions, Northern Ireland and the Department for Business and Trade to discuss and consult with key stakeholders on stat…
The Storm Overflows Taskforce will make recommendations on how to prevent harm from storm overflows in England.
On 21 July 2020, the government published its ten-year tax administration strategy that sets out the approach to HMRC realising its vision to be a trusted, modern tax and customs department. In recognition of the critical ro…
The Strategic Trade Advisory Group (STAG) provided a forum for high-level strategic discussions between government, and stakeholders representing a cross-section of interests from all parts of the UK on trade policy matters.
The Stakeholder Operations Group contribute specialist insight, knowledge and expertise to support the Student Loans Company (SLC) to deliver successful student finance services.
The Support Staff Reference Group will advise on the potential impact of policies on primary and secondary education, including any barriers to implementation.
The council provides leadership for the UK’s interests in the rapidly developing field of Synthetic Biology.
The Systems Unit helps people across the public sector apply systems thinking to complex problems. It does this through an approach called the Strategic Framework.
This forum is HMRC’s main channel for consulting with external customer representatives on tax credits and the transition to Universal Credits. The group works to improve our engagement with customers and provides a sounding…
The forum is a group of tax professionals committed to developing tax policy.
The primary purpose of the Tax Transparency Sector Board was to drive the Departmental transparency agenda and the release of HMRC information in line with the Commissioners for Revenue and Customs Act 2005, Data Protection …
This forum brings together employers, pension and payroll providers who represent the main UK trade sectors to discuss non-competitive issues relating to taxpayer data. It also contributes evidence-based intelligence for HMR…
The Teacher Reference Group advises on the potential impact of policies on primary and secondary education, including any barriers to implementation.
The group considered how to remove unnecessary workload associated with data and evidence collection in schools.
The group was established to encourage schools to reduce the burden of data collection, building on the work of the Commission on Assessment Without Levels.
The group was established to consider effective practice on marking in schools which raises standards for pupils without creating unnecessary workload.
The group was established to consider how effective lesson planning and use of resources can raise standards without creating unnecessary workload.
An independent group of teachers, headteachers, academics and education experts working to define a new standard for teachers’ professional development.
A tripartite review into the health and deployment implications of teachers working longer as a result of the normal pension age increase.
The aims, members and outcome of the independent review of the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) and its advisory group.
The Telecoms Supply Chain Diversification (TSCD) Advisory Council is a non-statutory advisory committee of independent members set up to provide advice to the government. The Council’s purpose is to provide ongoing advice to…
In July 2015, Culture Secretary John Whittingdale established an Advisory Group of experts from across a range of industries to support the BBC Charter Review process.
The DHSC-led COVID-19 Antivirals and Therapeutics Taskforce co-ordinates the end-to-end provision of treatments for coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK so that patients get access to safe and effective treatments as soon as pos…
The Darwin Initiative is a UK government grants scheme for biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction activities in eligible low and middle income countries.
DOSR regulates Ordnance, Munitions and Explosives (OME) safety across Defence activities, in accordance with the Secretary of State’s policy statement and to maintain a regulatory regime.
The Digital Transformation Portfolio sets out how the government and national health and care organisations aim to use information technology to improve health and social care services in England.
The Diverse Leadership Taskforce held meetings between February 2018 and February 2019. From March 2019, its responsibilities have been transferred to other Boards.
Lord Dunlop was appointed on 4 July 2019 to produce an independent report into the UK Government’s Union capability.
GAMRIF is a UK aid fund that supports research and development around the world to reduce the threat of antimicrobial resistance in low and middle income countries.
“There’s nothing more worthwhile for our country than to have all its citizens actively engaged in our economy and society so that every one of us feels included.”
The National Careers Council advised the government on improving careers provision for young people and adults in England.
The National Cyber Advisory Board (NCAB) is a forum for a more inclusive and engaged national dialogue on cyber.
The National Data Guardian’s Panel advises on the state of information governance across the health and care system in England.
The New Towns Taskforce is an independent expert advisory panel established in September 2024 to support the government to deliver the next generation of new towns. The primary objective of the new towns programme is to crea…
The HIV Oversight Group helps to inform the development of the forthcoming HIV Action Plan and Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy.
Records and evidence received in the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry, which looks to establish a clear account of the failings of the Horizon IT computer system, and assess whether lessons have been learnt at the Post Office …
The Review Panel (MHRA) carries out statutory and non-statutory reviews of proposals, decisions and provisional decisions taken by Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.
The expert review of statutory assessment arrangements for pupils working below the standard of national curriculum tests.
The Timely Payment External Working Group was an HM Treasury and HMRC-sponsored group established to help shape timely payment policy, including the in-year calculation proof of concept, but is no longer operational.
The Tourism Industry Council is a collaboration between government and the tourism industry focusing on improving the tourism sector and the visitor economy as a whole.
This Specialised Committee monitors the implementation and functioning of the Good Regulatory Practices and Regulatory Cooperation Title in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
This Trade Specialised Committee monitors the implementation and functioning of the Services, Investment and Digital Trade Titles in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
This Specialised Committee monitors the implementation and functioning of the Technical Barriers to Trade Title in the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
The trade union advisory group covers experts representing the interests of a range of vital UK trade unions.
This is a forum for discussion between HMRC and the principal advisory firms active in the UK market in relation to transfer pricing (including thin capitalisation), permanent establishments and Diverted Profits Tax. The aim…
The Transforming Care Assurance Board has been set up to oversee the progress of commitments that were outlined in response to Winterbourne View across health and social care organisations.
Transport Direct was a leading provider of information regarding public transport.
The transport employment and skills taskforce (TEST) is a partnership between industry and government.
This unit issues decisions on applications under the Transport and Works Act 1992.
The Transport Research and Innovation Board (TRIB) encourages and supports collaborative research and innovation across the UK transport sector.
The Taskforce was set up to review domestic and international risks presented from new and emerging tree and plant pathogens.
The Trees and Woodlands Scientific Advisory Group (TAW-SAG) provides independent advice to support woodland creation and improve woodland management.
The UKAFA aimed to improve the independence, health and wellbeing of older people.
UKAP gives advice about the transmission and management of bloodborne viruses among healthcare workers (HCWs).
The UK Agriculture Market Monitoring Group reviews and analyses market information from government and industry for the main agricultural sectors in the UK.
Best Available Techniques (BAT) aim to prevent or reduce emissions and impacts on the environment.
The UK Biosecurity Leadership Council was an expert advisory group of leading academics and industry figures from across the engineering biology, life science and biotech sectors.
The UK Border Expert Advisory Group (EAG), established in September 2021, has been set up to provide external challenge to the government on border design, acting as a ‘critical friend’ with a unique insight as to how propos…
The UK Caldicott Guardian Council (UKCGC) is the national body for Caldicott Guardians.
The UK Chemicals Stakeholder Forum (UKCSF) enables discussion between stakeholders, government and regulators in support of effective chemicals and waste management.
The UK Clinical Mycology Network (UKCMN) helps provide the highest standard of clinical mycology services across related disciplines in the UK.
The UK Competition Network (UKCN) is an enhanced forum for co-operation between the CMA and UK sector regulators with competition law powers.
The UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) was a group of more than 200 organisations drawn from across government, industry, law, academia and charity sectors that work in partnership to help keep children safe onlin…
The Network aims to form a multidisciplinary group of UK scientists to cover as much environmental science expertise relevant to DSM as possible.
The Quality and Configuration Management Policy team develops and pursues Ministry of Defence’s Quality and Configuration Management policy, both nationally and internationally, with civil, military and industry partners to …
The UK Endorsement Board will endorse and adopt new or amended International Financial Reporting Standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.
The UK Expert Committee on Pesticides (ECP) provides independent, impartial advice to the government on the science relating to pesticides.
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a global drive to promote the open and accountable management of oil, gas and mineral resources. This group oversees its implementation in the UK.
The UK Genetics for Livestock and Equines Committee (UKGLE) provides advice to Defra and the devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on all issues relating to farm animal genetic resources, particula…
The UK Investment Council aimed to enhance UK inward investment and informed the UK’s independent trade policy by providing a forum for global investors to offer high-level advice to DBT ministers and wider government.
The UK Medicines Reclassification Platform for the reclassification of non-prescription medicines aims to increase stakeholder engagement in the reclassification process and to ensure the public receives maximum benefit from…
The consortium aims to strengthen microbial forensics as a national capability, focusing on whether a biological agent is natural or nefarious in origin.
The UK Missile Defence Centre (MDC) is the UK’s Centre of Excellence for Missile Defence.
The UK Multi-Stakeholder Forum for Open Government is a joint endeavour of civil society and government that works to promote the principles of transparency, accountability and public participation in an effort to ensure pol…
The UK NCP is responsible for raising awareness of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) guidelines for multinational enterprises, and for implementing the complaints mechanism.
The blood spot task group (BSTG) has been set up to identify practical and innovative approaches to help researchers and others develop evidence that can help the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) make good recommenda…
Scientific risk assessment of nutrition and health claim applications and other nutrition-related matters after the transition period (1 January 2021).
The UK Point of Single Contact gave simple information on how to set up a business or provide services in the UK.
The taskforce developed a skills strategy for shipbuilding in the UK, which aims to ensure the UK’s shipbuilding industry has a skilled workforce.
The UK Single Market Centre (UKSMC) closed in January 2021.
Part of Strategic Command, the UK Special Forces (UKSF) is a military organisation which conducts high risk operations in support of UK interests on behalf of the Ministry of Defence.
The UK Standards for Microbiology Investigations (UK SMI) Steering Committee develops standards for microbiology investigations.
The UK Stem Cell Bank Steering Committee oversees the activities of the UK Stem Cell Bank and the use of human embryonic stem cell lines in the UK.
The UK Surveillance Forum (UKSF) coordinates and oversees animal health surveillance activities in the UK.
The UK Vaccine Network brings together industry, academia and relevant funding bodies to advise the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) on research and development investment.
The UKVN Project implements the netw…
UKZADI advises on important trends and observations which impact on animal and public health, including where necessary preventative and remedial action.
ZEC advises the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Scottish, Northern Irish, and Welsh Governments on zoo matters. This includes animal welfare, conservation, education, scientific research an…
The Domestic Advisory Group (DAG) is a consultative body which enables the government to hear from those most affected by the operation of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
This Group provides a forum for open dialogue between the British and Irish governments on civil nuclear policies and environmental protection.
The UK-US Trade and Investment Working Group was set up in July 2017.
The UKHMF Academic Advisory Board provides peer-review and a discussion forum for the Co-Chairs and professional team regarding the envisioned content of the UK Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre.
The Unit for Future Skills provides decision makers in the skills system with the information they need to invest in the right skills to meet national and local employer needs and support economic growth.
United Kingdom Football Policing Unit (UKFPU) works with the Home Office and the National Police Chiefs Council Football Lead (NPCC). It strives to reduce violence, antisocial behaviour and disorder at football events involv…
The ad hoc working group will assess the compositional requirements of total diet replacement (TDR) products in Great Britain following EU exit.
The Veterans Advisory Board provides advice, challenge and diversity of thought to the government on veterans issues, including supporting the delivery of the Strategy for Our Veterans.
It is chaired by Minister for Veter…
The Veterans Welfare Service (VWS) provides professional help and advice to veterans, their families and dependants, as well as those supporting veterans.
The Victims' Panel exists to advise and assist the Ministry of Justice in its aim to support victims.
A joint industry and government-led board composed of employers, small businesses and representative organisations from across the visitor economy.
The strategic aim of the forum is to identify and maximise the voluntary sector contribution to UK civil protection arrangements.
The Vulnerable Students Stakeholders Group (VSSG) advises and supports the operational delivery of specialist support to vulnerable students.
The Water Targets Expert Advisory Group provides independent technical advice to inform the development of legally binding water targets for England.
This is an HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) sponsored forum that has been running since 2009.
The 'Wealthy' team deals with the personal tax affairs of the UK’s wealthy individuals and the stakeholder forum is focus…
The Welfare Sector Transparency Board advises on transparency in the welfare sector.
This group is no longer operational.
‘Freedom to speak up?’, an independent review into creating an open and honest reporting culture in the NHS, has now concluded.
The Williams Rail Review was set up to recommend the most appropriate organisational and commercial frameworks to deliver the government’s vision for UK rail.
This is a page where announcements regarding the Windsor Framework Independent Monitoring Panel can be published.
The purpose of the taskforce is to increase the number of women-led high-growth businesses, with a particular focus on regions outside of London.
The Women’s Business Council (WBC) is a government-backed, business-led group that reports to the Minister for Women and Equalities.
The Women’s Football Review Implementation Group brings together key decision makers from the organisations with responsibility for taking forward the review recommendations.
The Women’s Football Taskforce aims to progress the recommendations of Karen Carney OBE's independent review of women's football.
The Women’s Justice Board has the clear goal of reducing the number of women in prison and addressing the distinct needs of women in the criminal justice system.
Information on the implementation of the Wood Review. In June 2013 the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, asked Sir Ian Wood to conduct an independently led review of UKCS oil and gas recovery, specifically lo…
The Woodland Ambassador programme within the Forestry Commission helps to support trees, woodlands, and forestry across England.
The Work and Health Unit works to improve the health and employment outcomes for disabled people and those with health conditions.
The Work Programme Partnership Forum members share experiences of implementing the programme and discuss emerging policy that may affect it.
A new working group has been established to provide government with a working definition of Anti-Muslim Hatred/Islamophobia which is reflective of a wide range of perspectives and priorities of British Muslims.
The Government has a duty under the Energy Act 2011 to enact legislation on energy-related issues in the PRS, and has decided to set up 2 working groups to advise on this complex but important matter.
The Government has a duty under the Energy Act 2011 to enact legislation on energy-related issues in the PRS, and has decided to set up 2 working groups to advise on this complex but important matter.
Working Together was a partnership between HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and a wide range of main agent and other representative bodies.
The Secretary of State has established a workload reduction taskforce to support the government’s ambition to reduce teachers’ and leaders’ working hours by 5 hours a week within 3 years.
The Youth Action Group brings together national youth charities to advise ministers and officials on developing and carrying out policy for disadvantaged young people.